Suggestion: Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain

dimanche 28 février 2016

It's obvious that the wingers we have are the best pair in the Premier League, and it should be obvious to people that Wickham will score goals and do a good job for years to come in the lone role up front.

But we are seriously lacking in options for the No10 position. Puncheon has been woeful all season, it isn't really Jimmy Mac's position, Cabaye plays in a deeper role, Chamakh is unfit and probably finished, CYL is deemed too lightweight and Mutch is mediocre despite recent improvement. We are scoring very few goals from central positions just outside the box. What we need to find is someone who can break at pace, who works hard, and can score from long range.

Step forward Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain. He's still young, can shoot and dribble, wants to play in centre mid, London based, we are not a rival to Arsenal and apparently he is surplus to requirements if the correct transfer fee can be paid. Not saying we don't need bodies in other positions, but for me the No10 position is the chronic weakness the club needs to solve. The Ox would transform us.

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