Footballers what do they owe us?

mardi 1 décembre 2015

So I was talking to a new guy that just started working for my company a few weeks back this morning, a typical Millwall fan but a nice bloke.
He told me he was buying some pet food at Pets at Home in Sevenoaks over the weekend with his Young son who was wearing a Millwall cap.
Bobby Zamora was in the store buying their own brand petfood ( tight arse Git) so over he goes and politely asked "sorry Bobby I know you must get this alot but please could you sign my son's hat he's a big football fan"
Apparently; so he told me Bobby looked away and walked off without a word! :(
Now I was not there and maybe he gets this all the time.....but I doubt this as Sevenoaks is a Rugby town and I'm sure 95% of people here would not have a clue who he is.
My point is we all pay the gate money/Sky cash and the like all that comes from little Joe public, Bobby let the game and most players down on this occasion. Piss poor from him!

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