My team for Liverpool

samedi 8 novembre 2014

I think the whole team needs a bit of a shake up, I think a few players are becoming complacent and perhaps they need to realise there are some great players who would love to step up and prove there worth.

Hennessy in goal. He must be desperate to prove his worth and Liverpool would be a great test for him.

Ward at RB - it's a no brainer.

Kelly and Dann at CB. Possibly replace Kelly for Hangeland?

Delaney at LB. I know he isn't the quickest but he is a natural left foot, maybe him and Kelly could swap from time to time?

Bannan at RM. he deserves his chance and he will have a point to prove.

Ledley and Jedi in CM - maybe they haven't been the best lately but this is the best possible pairing, in my opinion, that we have.

Puncheon at LM - Bolasie lately just seems a bit of a headless chicken with no end product. Zaha I think has been found out a bit at this level. Both try very hard but I think Bannan and Puncheon have the experience to preform a little bit better than the other two.

Recall Murray and pair him with Gayle upfront. Drop chamakh. I think a pairing of Murray and Gayle will work very well. Big and little. Murray will hold it up and allow gayle to work some good positions.

Just my opinion, I think we need a kick up the backside as it doesn't seem to be working for us at the moment, but this is Palace. It's a roller coaster and this season will be one hell of a ride!

Onwards and upwards!

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