How about trying Zaha up front?

dimanche 16 novembre 2014

Sounds like madness, and I am not saying that we should necessarily do it from the start, but why not give it a go? We could play the same 10 players behind him as last season, ie Speroni, Ward, Delaney, Dann, Mariappa, Jedinak, Ledley, Puncheon, Chamakh, Bolasie. So the only change would be Zaha for Jerome. Now I Know Zaha is not prolific, but his record up front, both for us and for the England u21s is not bad. He'd only have to be as prolific as Jerome or Campbell, and I think he could manage that.

The big reason I think it could suit us is that he is the next best thing we have to Jerome, in terms of style. He is fairly strong, he has the pace, and I think he'd scare the centre backs into making mistakes. Chasing after loose balls or balls over the top he'd be a worry for them. I'm not saying he'd hold it up as often, but when he was able to I reckon he'd be a lot more threatening. 1 on 1 against a centre back or even 1 on 2 against both centre backs with no support arriving would not be a problem for him, and it'd get us back close to the style we played last season. Thoughts?

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