Ticketing policy

mardi 26 août 2014

I am a Palace fan of nearly 25 years. I've never lived in London but over the years I've attended on average a couple of games per season (regardless of the direction I thought the club was going :P), getting the train in from wherever I've been in the country. Since last season I've not been able to go to games, primarily because of the ticketing policy. I don't have £25 to spend on a Silver membership (I am a full time student, this money would normally go towards paying for one of my tickets/train fare/packed lunch/cheeky pint after the game). I find it odd that we have 2,000 or so empty seats for a match against a London rival at the weekend. I can't be the only person who is missing out on supporting my club because of this approach, there must be others who are put off too (e.g. teenagers coming along for the first time without dad - that's what got me!). I'll always come with a mate or two as well, usually frustrated Utd/'Pool/Gooners etc who can't get tickets to see their teams but will cheer Palace on for the afternoon (I'll turn them eventually :D). That's all money in the coffers of CPFC either way. I have a buying history with the club. I wanted to bring this to the attention of CPFC2010 in the hope that current ticketing policy might be revised.

It wouldn't be in the true spirit of the BBS if I didn't try to predict a certain reaction to this post so... I know I come across as tight! But what money you have is always relative to the money you have going in/out of your bank account each month. Which is different for different people. In short, if I earned more cash I would pay it. I want to support my club but this is a big issue for me. My trips down to Selhurst over the years have brought me great joy, win, lose or draw - is there any room for compromise?

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