Time for a break..

vendredi 29 août 2014


Nor do I know why I'm even posting this, but there you go.

Time for a break from here for a while. Life sometimes can just get too much can't it? Things are currently pretty low for me. It's time to get myself sorted out and to try and re-evaluate things a little.

I've met some genuinely amazing people on here. And it's probably safe to say The Cronx Brewery wouldn't have started without this site. Sorry to have pissed some of you off with all that by the way. You can get a bit over enthusiastic sometimes during the start of something new and exciting. I realise I've probably been a bit rude to some of you too. Sorry about that. A man's got to defend is castle etc etc right?

Those amazing people I mentioned earlier, you know how to get in touch with me. And I'll still be at every home game, and as many away games as possible.

See you on the other side, you bunch of knobs.

Big Love.



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