Organ donation

vendredi 29 août 2014

I was having a chat with colleagues at work about being an organ donor, and there seems to be a mixed bag of opinions on it.

Personally, it's perverse to me that you wouldn't be on the register, why wouldn't you improve or save a life when you are dead?

I understand some people have religious considerations, but even then, what sort of a religion wouldn't look at your decision favourably?

In my humble opinion, as soon as you have a birth certificate, you should be on the organ donor list, your parents can then chose to opt you out if you want.

When you reach 16, 18, 21 or whatever, you are automatically re-enrolled, and you then have the opportunity opt out again if you want to.

In an age where people are living longer, supplies are running short and research is increasing, it seem strange that the emphasis is on people not being donors, rather than being donors.

What do the BBS think?

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