bully boys

mercredi 27 août 2014

Being reasonably new to posting and a little inexperienced , i have to say that i feel like a kid at new school that is targeted by the bullies .

I perhaps in my naivety believed that a forum was a place for open discussion with a frank exchange of views and opinions . After all if we all agreed there would be no forum .

Also i believed that an argument was a constructive statement or series of constructive statement directed at establishing a proposition or a platform for a debate. It appears if i do not have a popular opinion , i am subject to mindless abuse , such" f**k off you twat" or" no one gives a s**t what you think". That is not an intelligent argument it is just ignorance .

I have been called a " troll" mmmm the definition of a troll apart from the one that hides under the bridge in "three billy goats gruff" is someone that stalks and abuses someone on line , have i ever stalked or abused any one ?

If my opinion of the job that SP is doing is offensive then i apologize

If my opinion of Malky McKay being wrong for the job is offensive then once again i apologize

If my opinion is that Gayle should be starting up front is offensive then once again i apologize

But i am a Palace fan through and through since my first game in 1967 .

So my brief encounter with posting and the BBS is now over after this i will post no more or even read any thing , so the hail of abuse that i am expecting will be wasted as i shall not read it .

However i wish you all well and hope the management thing is sorted quickly and we can enjoy the season

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