Annoying coworkers

mercredi 10 janvier 2024

Does anyone on here have to deal with annoying coworkers or is it just me that seems to struggle.I am thinking it is me that cannot cope with them or is it just weak management higher up the food chain that puts me with them.
Any advice would very welcome.

Since taking voluntary management about three years back during covid,I have had a number of jobs with a couple not what i expected but i have left a couple because of the people working there.My current job has put me in a position with a female work colleague without sounding like Joey Barton should not be in her role and leads me to tearing my hair out with her work ethic and downright stupidity.People say dont work with her but unfortunately that is not possible.
My new boss is like a wet blanket and because of this i have expressed my reasoning to the boss but her answer is " Jill is Jill unfortunately " and does nothing to alleviate the problem.

Do I walk from the job or go to HR with my views? Have been maybe offered
an old job where again a couple of people there were aggravating so I am thinking it is me after all and maybe thinking best not to go back .All becoming a vicious circle.

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