Palace is Gay

mercredi 6 décembre 2023

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Fantastic video just posted on the CPFC Youtube showing Chris Richards and some women's team members teaching our youth that being LGBTQ+ is A-OK. In the words of Richards in the video "If we start now and show that it's acceptable to be whoever you want to be...".

I'm fully supportive of indoct- brainwa- err, educating young minds on all the possibilities that a person can be and to be accepting of this. I'd like to reach out to the following marginalized groups to also contact CPFC so that they can be included in the next school tour:

- Brexit supporters
- Trump supporters
- Drag Queens
- Left-handed people
- Atheists
- Heavy body modifiers
- Morbidly obese and loving it
- Smokers
I want to ensure that we have all possible iterations of lifestyles implanted into our youth so that we can truly be an enlightened group once they reach the age where they can't so easily be manipulated.

(now that you've read that and are fully prepared to call me an -ism or -igot, explain to me why this is necessary to teach school children? Isn't "Accept everyone no matter who they are" enough? as we had in primary school)

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