Christmas Schmalz

samedi 2 décembre 2023

As the world gets more cynical(or is it just me) it fees like the amount of reacle being pured by the tv, movies and advertising industry is getting ever more sickly.> I mean a whole sky channel devoted to Christmas movies. To this end there now seem to me a gazillion of these that seem to have only just ben created. Reunion romcoms, rediscoveries of self, Father Christmas's behind every door. So far as I can tell barely an original idea in sight. Nearly all from the US as well. Thats all bad enough but Sky promos about their movies for the festive period are driving me round the bend "is this just the best bit about.." No! Shut up about it will you. As to the advertisers if I ever hear about that bloody carrot again or Coca Cola telling us that Christmas is coming as if they ******* invented it. And Deceembers only just begun!

Serious question though. Are we all receptive to thing like this at the moment or are the media hopelessly out of touch

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