Tooth ache stopped aching…

lundi 14 août 2023

Last week I had really bad tooth ache emanating from a single tooth. Very sensitive to hot and cold plus any hint of pressure on the tooth.

Went to my dentist, who took an x-ray and couldn’t see anything obvious, so referred me to an Endodontist and I have an appointment tomorrow. They said they will take a CT scan of the area and will cost pushing $600 with the office visit/consultation.

Anyway over the weekend the ache has just gone away. Not overly heat sensitive or pressure sensitive, nothing I can’t live with. So now my quandary is do I cancel my appointment? I hate to waste $600 to be told they can’t see anything, on the other hand there must be something going on.

Decisions, decisions…

Anyone else had a toothache that comes and goes?

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