What has the UK got right?

dimanche 11 juin 2023

Just seeing all the doom and gloom on both the BJ/Tory and Stammer/Labour threads. Made me wonder what is better today than in the past. What has the government, both parties, done to make our lives better. I can create a HUGE list of things that are worse but came up with.

Rubbish collection. No more bin noise and rubbish strewn over the place.

Food costs and variety. Even with the huge increases its tsill a lot cheaper than the 70's/80s.

Flights/holidays abroad. We now expect this.

Telephone calls. Used to cost a fortune per minute, my dad developed this phone voice that was 100 words a second to save money, then would go mad when you ask him to repeat coz it was too fast. You can also pop to a shop grab a phone and be connected rather that waiting weeks.

Our advancement toward a green power. Not there yet but still far better than other similar countries which also leads me to air quality. I dont come back from london with black shit collars any more. I feel happy to sit outside and eat.

Yep a washing machine today is better than the one of 40 years ago but thats technology moving forward not government influenced. ( although i recon the old ones lasted longer ;-) )

Im sure there is more & I really struggle, but can list loads of "when I were a lad"

So what have the romans/government ever done for us over the last 50 years.

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