Assisted Living / Retirement home homes experiences

mercredi 24 mai 2023

Looking for BBS experiences

My mother in law is looking to move much closer to us (currently 200 miles away). She’s 83, has been on her own for about 9 months now and has started to lose mobility, and going up to the north west most weekends is getting to be a bit much for us. She’s not in a position where she needs to be in a care home but it is clear she needs more support than a normal flat and a community she can be a part of. So we’re looking at assisted living type places, the McCarthy Stone / Churchill things. There are two brand new ones within 15 minutes of us, and one about 8 years old.

I appreciate the costs for new ones are well over an equivalent flat and the service charges are very high, but does anyone have any practical experiences of them, what they’re actually like to live in beyond the glossy pictures that McCarthy Stone and Churchill show.

Also given the mobility loss that has already started clearly this not likely to be a long term thing, so we’re debating between leasing one and buying one, so views on reselling when the time comes. I get there is likely to be a loss on sale (how could there not be, if basically the market is restricted to anyone over 70 years old etc), but how much etc (yes I will be checking out the land registry etc for this) but also any experiences of time to sell as well.

Also alternative ideas would be appreciated if anyone has any.

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