The Real Relegation Avoidance Calculator 2022/23

samedi 18 février 2023

I really thought this was not going to be necessary. I still do not think it is really that necessary but after today's unfortunateness I think it is only going to get worse for a while considering the matches we have coming up. So I have done the usual estimate as to where we need to be. 40 points should easily be enough to stay up and in fact 38 is likely to be quite enough.

I would stress the figures below are not my predictions just estimates of approximately what we need to get to comfortably survive. I think we will actually do better. It is a really low bar to start off with and frankly if we pass the estimate on those matches we could be safe by Easter but I am hoping the below will save too many howls and predictions of disaster and relegation over the next few weeks (fat chance!)

Team.............................Predicted........ ..Actual............ +/-

Liverpool (h)........................D
Villa (a)...............................L
Man C (h)............................L
Brighton (a).........................L
Arsenal (a)...........................L
Leicester (h).........................D
Leeds (a).............................W
Southampton (a)...................D
Everton (h)...........................L
Wolves (a)............................D
West Ham (h).......................W
Spurs (a)..............................L
Bournemouth (h)...................W
Fulham (a)............................L
Forest (h).............................D

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