Prostate Cancer

dimanche 26 février 2023

Was diagnosed with it first week of Feb after a rise in my PSA levels, I'd had annual tests for the past 5 years following a change in peeing habits, prostate was enlarged and treated accordingly to help with the peeing, the levels prior to 2022 fell within acceptable levels and it's something that can increase with age as can the size of the prostate, I'm 63 now.

On holiday last September I had an increase in trips to the loo at night, returned home and arranged a test and the level was 4.9, the previous one was 3.8 and for those not already aware the trigger for further investigation is 4.
The DR didn't seem too concerned and referred me for an MRI at Worthing Hospital, 3 weeks later I chased this up with a different GP and he put me on the 2 week referral and within a week I had an MRI scan and 3 weeks later I had a letter saying that a biopsy was advised and arranged for early Jan, an unpleasant experience but I've had more painful trips to the dentist. Another agonising wait before the news that I had it but thankfully confined within the prostate and this gave me 3 options, prostate removal and 2 types of radiation treatment, if you choose the radiation treatment you then can't have the prostate removal, I chose removal using Robotic assisted radical prostatectomy that is performed at the Royal Surrey Guildford.

I was called for consultation on the 14th Feb and told I was suitable for the op, had pre op assessment on the same day because they were considerate of the distance involved. I was given an estimate of 4 weeks until surgery but 3 days later on Fri they asked if I wanted to go in on Monday! :eek:
In for 7.15am, out at 8.30pm and home before 10pm. They called me at 11pm to check and again at 8am in the morning, I can't speak highly enough of the teams there. And what a piece of kit that robot is. 1 week into 2 weeks rest now, no lifting and no driving for another 2/3 weeks.

Tomorrow is a week since the op and when I remove the Catheter tube myself:eek:, seriously though it's straight forward and no need for a return visit to remove it. I have plenty of follow up appointments to do, PSA is still checked and any suspicious areas can be addressed with radiation.

I know there is good awareness out there about PC, this thread was just to highlight it specifically on the BBS.

I read today that trials of a blood test for PC are very encouraging, currently the only way to diagnose is biopsy.

Give yourselves the chance of all the options and.....


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