VE Day 75 years Anniversary

jeudi 7 mai 2020

Being commerated in Berlin this year even in lockdown

Not many of the old gurad left now. I remember us saying that for 1918. Time goes quick.

The most astonishing piece of history ever. Even with all the war films and Nazi documentaries it never gets dull trying to work out wahat was going through leaders minds. The generals, the troops, the jews and other persecuted groups, the prisoners of wars, the collaboraters.

Almost nowhere was untouched except for deepest Africa and some of South and Central America - and some Nazis even escaped there (plus the battle of river plate).

Some key moments were really on a knife edge - Battle Of Britain, the decision to invade Russia, the Germans not getting to Moscow or winning Stalingrad, the Germans not priducing the Bomb first, the Yanks winding up Japan, Midway Island, the Japs deciding to go for Midway rather than Australia, Singapore falling, the desert campaign swinging the UKs way. Hitler not being woken on D Day and resources taken away from that defence, the Battle of The Bulge. and battle resources used to transport and kill jews, and more and more.

I think it was staggering what Germany managed to achieve, and that it took the combined efforts of many allied nations to defeat the Nazis.

Why were Italy, Germany and Japan so hell bent on expansion and empire. Were they that jealous of England, France, and The US.

A staggering period of 13 years if you include the rise of the facist powers, Spain, China. The New Deal etc..

And the ideologies being tested all over the shop.

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