Car Insurance Accident Claim Advice

jeudi 21 mai 2020

Please could anyone who has been through similar or knows the system advise me.

Last June a neighbour bumped my car whilst it was parked in the road. I was away at the time but they kindly left a message admitting liability.

I informed my insurers. Their associated claims company contacted me and told me that if they took care of it (rather than the insurers) I would not lose my no claims bonus and would get a 'free' hire car. I will now always regret agreeing to this.

Sure enough they provided a hire car (for which I signed the usual agreement) and took my car away for repair. That was where the problems started.

My neighbour's insurance company wouldn't agree to the frankly ludicrous sums claimed for the hire car (£60 a day for a base model Vauxhall Corsa) and £3k for a bumper replacement. As a result, my claims company started sending ever more threatening letters to them and me threatening us with a day in court to settle the claim.

I objected and asked why I was being asked to court as a witness when I wasn't even here when it happened. They stopped sending threatening letters to my neighbour but carried on sending them to me and have now said they will be seeking to recover the full costs of the claim from me for 'failure to cooperate'. The only thing I have insisted on is being fully briefed so that I know what I should be answering in any court case and what the implications are.

Has anyone been through something similar? Do I need legal representation to fight this?

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