
mardi 5 mai 2020

I'm interested to see how people on here will react to this.

A lot of people know about the increase in domestic violence that's being associated with lockdown in a number of countries. Calls to helplines are up hugely for example - tripled in China, Cyprus and Singapore, doubled in Lebanon and Malaysia, up at least two-thirds in the UK (these are numbers for a few weeks back).

Less talked about is the way in which there's more work in the home to do (because people are at home more and kids are not at school), how that work is being shared and what that means for women.

I'm sure all Palace supporting men do their fair share, but globally women generally do three times as much unpaid work at home than men, and still do more even when both men and women in the home are also in employment.

Some of you may have seen the HeForShe campaign which Emma Watson fronted about men supporting efforts for equality between women and men. There's now a HeForSheAtHome push to encourage men to equally share work at home while we're in lockdown: To view the link you have to Register or Login

On twitter for example this has made quite a lot of men angry. I've seen posts on here that suggest to me that some of the BBS posters may feel the same. But what do people think? Do we all agree at least that men and women should share housework and childcare equally? If we disagree, why? And if we agree, how well are we doing at living up to that belief?

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