Neighbours missing fence panels stopping our privacy

vendredi 24 avril 2020

Advice and views welcome..

Long story, few weeks back when we had the strong winds, my neighbour lost two fence panels and the post, wouldn't have been too bad, but these two panels are the first two from the back of the house which gives us privacy when sitting and relaxing on our patio's, The fence boundary is his, But since we've owned our home for the past 26 years, for some reason, the two fence panels and post has always been inside our boundary, always been like that since we started buying our home all those years back,
At the time, our older neighbours back then, had trees all the way down their boundary right up to their patio, which is higher than ours by a few inches, I can only think my older neighbours back then agreed with the people who we brought the house off to have the fence on this side, since then , the house was sold to housing association.

Our present neighbours who moved in couple years back now( and has been a very big pain since day one ), hasn't fixed them as they think its our job as panels/post are just inside our garden outside their boundary, These have fallen down before in years past, and have been fixed by our neighbours housing association at the time,

I bit the bullet and have brought two new panels and post to fix ourselves,and told him yesterday we were going to sort this out as it's in our garden, now his being a c@nt and moved his glass garden table right up to his boundary next to his gas bbq, which he loves lighting up and stinking out our rear of house next to the wooden fence last summer, which now makes it very difficult to fix the problem in case we knock his items,
They also have a dog, even thou, todate he hasn't come into our garden,
We can't even sit and relax on our own patio in private, and also have to keep our curtain's shut in the back of house to stop them looking in

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