Which famous persons passing affected you the most?

mercredi 5 février 2020

Just been watching David Bowie on stage with David Gilmour on YouTube, a performance that I never knew existed. Definitely miss Bowie.

It got me thinking, Seen a lot of famous people die during my 64 years. I think the first one that made an impact was JFK or was it Winston first. Either way that's when I realised famous people were part of the fabric or makeup of our lives.

John Lennon and Elvis were two big ones as well, as was Marc Bolan and Jimi.

However the one that got me personally, was one left of center and I'm still not fully sure why. I still get emotional thinking about it. Something to do with me realising Peter Cooks presence proved I could actually intellectualize, especially if there was a comedic aspect.

So The person that got me going was Peter Cook. Far more so than any of the others mentioned above.

Which famous persons passing affected you the most and any ideas why?

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