When fans invade

dimanche 10 mars 2019

Thought we needed a dedicated thread for pitch invasions now it seems to be a common event again. What’s going on?

We had the Hibs fan last week jumping onto the sidelines to kick the ball from the Rangers player, then square up to him. The Grealish punch yesterday followed by yet another pitch invader this time at the Arsenal Man U game, pushing Smalling. Whatever happened to the days of the peaceable streaker whose only motivation was exhibitionism?

Is this just coincidence or is it the case that when you have one of these types of incidents, it kind of triggers the possibility of it in the mind of the slightly unhinged, inebriated and suggestible, and so copycat incidents are inevitable?

Back in the day this triggered the inhumane fences to go up, but I guess now the onus will be on the stewards to be more aware of the possibility.

On another note re. the Grealish incident; the guy was cheered and applauded off by thousands of Brum fans. Made me wonder; for example had someone run on the pitch on Saturday and clocked Knockaert one as he brandished his disgusting tongue at us, would that fan have also received a similar ovation?

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