Is a fall in police numbers related to an increase in knife crime?

mercredi 6 mars 2019

Not according to Theresa May yesterday when interviewed following a huge rise in knife attacks in London and elsewhere. Even the BBC last night produced a graph showing that as police numbers have fallen, so have violent attacks in tandem. However, both these reports are deceptively presented. When you single out knife crime alone, the startling rise in attacks beginning in 2014 correlate exactly with the drastic cuts in police numbers from 2014. To add some further meat to this, the number of charges for violent crime has also dramatically fallen, something perhaps not unexpected when you reduce police numbers and detection leading to arrests are more difficult to achieve.

The BBC reported on all this in January this year, but you have to delve into the text and tease out the information to get to the truth of the matter.

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The cuts in youth services due to austerity policies since 2010 also contributes to the problem in all sorts of ways. Is anything effective going to be done? Not when our own prime minister is in total denial and exudes complacency.

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