Places you visited that don’t exist anymore

dimanche 10 février 2019

East Berlin
In the late 1950’s I lived in West Berlin, British Sector. My dad was stationed there. One day the family went to the Russian Sector. Went along Stalinallee, which was pretty much restored. But we turned off down a side street and I remember all the still bombed-out buildings. Finished up at a War Cemetery, maybe Treptower, and remember the guide pointing out different mounds and telling us how many thousands were buried in each one.

World Trade Center
Back in mid 1980’s went to the top of the WTC. Pretty windy and exposed up there, but great views. Mind you didn’t go too near the edge.

Too many clubs, pubs and bars to list, but I did visit Studio54 once, but that’s another story. :sunglasses:

So, what places have all you BBSers visited that don't exist anymore?

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