Need advice on DHSS benefits

dimanche 2 décembre 2018

Background first. A bloke, aged 52, been in the USA since he was 15. Recently returned to the UK. Is destitute, homeless, no family, and perhaps mentally unwell. I believe he has been declined benefits, perhaps because he has no Nat Ins contributions in the UK, or perhaps because answers he gave to the Jobcentre advisor disqualified him. I can't be sure until I go to the Jobcentre with him. But before then I'd like to get an understanding of what rules would apply to him and what benefits he might be eligible for. However, I'm finding it very difficult to find an online forum or help site that might be able to give me some advice about what might be available to him.

Can BBSer point me in the right direction ?

(I know that Citizens Advice is an option - but he (we?) are going to the jobcentre tomorrow).

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