Scammed by Beckenham Tradesman? You Decide.

mercredi 21 mars 2018

Hi all, I have an issue a bit similar to that experienced on the scammed online thread, but mine is a bit different so I thought I would start a thread of my own.

In late January I decided that I needed six internal doors replaced. In order to find a good local carpenter I asked a the "Beckenham Appreciation Group", on Facebook to recommend one to me. Several members recommended a local bloke going under the Facebook name of "Marmyte Keith". This the name of his business.

I contracted this bloke and he initially arranged a day to come round and provide me a quote. On the day he was due to come round, I worked from home but he didn't turn up. About three hours after, he contacted me and was very apologetic, saying his wife was ill.

He did turn up the following Sunday and quoted me a price of £30 a door including all trimming and installation of ironmongery. The cost of the doors and ironmongery would come to £250. He wanted this paid up front for the materials via bank transfer. He provided me with a formal invoice for the materials. During the visit he bought his young daughter and did mention his
wife was disabled.

Now, I did hesitate before I paid for this but again reviewed the multiple positive reviews on Facebook and thought that a local tradesmen wouldn't put his reputation at risk by nicking the money. He also added me on Facebook under his business name.

So, I transferred the money on the 24th january and we arranged a date for installation. Here is a timeline of cancellations by the guy:

1st feb - cancelled as doors had not arrived in time.

6th Feb- cancelled as wife taken to hospital with mild stroke.

11th feb - texts me staying that he definitely could do 21 - 22 feb as wife still in hospital and has child care needs

18th - texts me and says he can't do 22nd as wife coming out of hospital. Has to do 23rd instead.

22nd - he can't do 23rd as wifes condition not good. Definitely free on the 2nd march.

1st March- can't get to workshop to get doors because of the snow, rearranges for following Wednesday.

7th again cancelled. Rearranged for 9th. Again cancelled.

8th March - I ask for refund. He says he will see what he can do.

Radio silence for a while as I was away for work.

16th -texted me staying he sent me the money via cheque on the 13th March. He didn't tell me as such on the 13th.

20th March (yesterday) - I text him saying that I still haven't received the cheque. I ask him to cancel it and transfer the money via bank transfer. I give him my details.

Today. Still havent received any reply.

So... I turn to the BBS. What would you do? Have I been scammed or is this guy just got really bad luck?

Even if his story is plausible, he has behaved badly in keeping my money for so long and poor communications. I could threaten to go to the police or to drag his name through the mud on facebook but that might destroy any remaining goodwill between us.

My thoughts on the matter are that he is using me as a credit facility rather than him being a balls out fraudster. I am not sure a fraudster would have kept lines of communications open so long and been as apologetic as well as added me on facebook?

I am not sure if the bank can do anything? I have a full audit trail and proof he hasn't completed the work.

One further thing, his facebook profile does contain the a road location in Beckenham so it all else fails I could just stake him out armed with a snooker ball in a sock :D

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