What are the BBS terms of use?

dimanche 5 novembre 2017

Over the last few days there have been reports of some fairly obnoxious stuff being posted on the BBS. Fortunately I've managed to miss it all but have seen the fall out polluting some threads.

I must say I'm a little perplexed at this, both in terms of why people would behave so abhorrently (if they did) and why they are allowed to do so.

I've had a look and I cannot find the BBS terms of use. It's been quite a while since I joined and I doubt I read them anyway. I have been down the pub and that is probably why I cannot find them.

So, for reasons of common decency, may I suggest that the Mods post them somewhere where everywhere can read them, please? Or at least a link so we can go to them? This will serve two purposes. Firstly, we would all know where we stand. Secondly we can then hold the moderators to account when it seems like they are playing favourites when they are just following terms of use (or not).

I think my request is quite reasonable for a return to the happier place this used to be.

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