On Your Head

dimanche 26 novembre 2017

Having recently watched the BBC / Alan Shearer documentary about the negative effect heading footballs can have on cognitive health, it seems there is a growing recognition of the problem and a movement to adjust how football approaches the issue. Already, children are being actively discouraged to head footballs and the F.A. may well have to fork out to create a compensation fund for old pros afflicted after the game is done with them, as in the NFL. Such an initiative would cost mucho dinero to the powers behind football, at which point radical changes to the professional game just might occur in the years ahead.

This is a potential Pandora's Box for our game and raises many questions about the place for heading in the modern game, protecting health, especially in children, and whether technologies could create a safer football. Or should meeting a ball with a bonce be considered part of the risk of contact sport?


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