Things that people think don't happen anymore, but still do.

samedi 11 novembre 2017

Music charts...two things you knew as a kid at any given time: who was top of the league and who was No.1 and kids still do

Whistling workmen who still whistle now

Newspapers delivered to your door which still happens

Reading old woman's mags or readers digest in the Dr's waiting room which are now more updated ones, but still there.

Losing your friend/parent/partner whilst out at the shops

Broken down cars at the roadside with the bonnet open and clouds of steam coming out

Photo albums

Using a phone booth.

Penny for the guy...unwashed kids wheeling a guy about

Ugly musicians

Having pull out the choke button on the car at this time of year and then nurse it along slowly easing it back in while driving along, which I still do on my motorbike.

Fish man who still comes by in his van every other day

Going to the cinema and it being pitch black inside. When you came out the back at the end and stepped into the car park/high street your eyes would burn from the daylight.Which still happens if you go to the cinema during the day.

Having an Argos catalogue permanently in your magazine rack. Goldstar company with an incredible insight into the retail industry.

Calling your friend on the phone to ask them out to play, on the mobile phone.

Putting string up at Christmas to hang the Christmas cards.

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