Is it time for Video Replays?

samedi 18 novembre 2017

Personally I wasn’t in favour of this idea originally but after watching the Rugby highlights today & seeing how thoroughly every Try is reviewed, I’ve started to wonder if now might be the right time to drag football in line with most other mainstream sports?

With today’s outrageous dive & Kompany escaping a blatant red card it’s surely in the best interests of fairness to stop cheating & injustice once & for all. It would also help referees to bring a moment of clarity to any situation where they are under immense pressure to make the right decision on the spot.

Video replays are widely used in almost all other mainstream sports like Cricket, Tennis, Rugby & the NFL & have actually enhanced the overall fan experience rather than detracted from it. Can you imagine the fans waiting nervously for the penalty decision as it’s reviewed upstairs with the heartbeat sound pumping out of the speakers in the ground & the final decision being displayed on the scoreboard?

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