Generational stereotypes

lundi 20 novembre 2017

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This article on BBC below got me thinking about generational differences, it was the first time I have ever heard of my generation even having a name, having heard of Greatest Generation, Baby Boomers and Millennials. Turns out I'm firmly in the middle of "To view the link you have to Register or Login"

....and so I went and had a read on Wiki and was quite impressed tbh. I've thought for a long time about the Boomers being like pirates (take everything, give nothing back) but it's not until you read a few of the comments that you realise that there is a real difference, and that these stereotypes come to the surface.

I laughed at this part in the Wiki article

"In the 2008 book, X Saves the World: How Generation X Got the Shaft but Can Still Keep Everything from Sucking, author Jeff Gordinier describes Generation X as a "dark horse demographic" which "doesn't seek the limelight". Gordiner cited examples of Gen Xers' contributions to society such as: Google, Wikipedia, and YouTube, arguing if Boomers had created them, "we'd never hear the end of it".
I couldn't agree more, and boy do that lot seem to have it in for everybody else, such as this angry nimby

"You Have to forgive the young On here, demands and getting what they want off their parents has been the way they have been brought up, ask and get, not work for it. We the older set have given into them too easy so they expect everything on a plate even if your working till 90 to give them it."

Discuss. :rolleyes:

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