Five mind-blowing facts about what the UK looks like

jeudi 9 novembre 2017

This country is not full up - or its land taken over by concrete and housing but its for landowners and farming - 73% of land in England is farming by private landowners

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1: What proportion of the whole UK is classified as continuous urban fabric?
A: 0.1%

I am going to guess that was lower than you expected. Continuous urban fabric is actually a very rare land use in the UK. There is another category called discontinuous urban fabric, places where between 50% and 80% of the land surface is built on. Many of our urban areas are greener than you think.

2: What proportion of the UK is classified as discontinuous urban fabric?
A: 5.3%
You are probably suspecting that these figures are missing something, but a variety of different land use data sources come up with broadly the same picture.

3: The local authority with the greatest proportion of land devoted to golf is Woking. How much?
A: 11%
Overall, British golf courses are calculated to cover 1,256 sq km, an area roughly equivalent to the whole of Greater Manchester and, according to some estimates, just a little smaller than all the land covered by housing.

4: How much of the Lake District is lakes?
A: 3%
The psychological impact of a ghastly eyesore or a beautiful natural feature can lead us to assume it is physically bigger on the landscape than detailed mapping will reveal. Visitors to the Lake District National Park will focus on the glory of Windermere and Ullswater stretching into the distance and
imagine the landscape is predominantly lakes.

5: What proportion of the UK is peat bog?
A: 9.4%
Surprising though it may seem, there is almost 100 times as much peat bog in the UK as there is continuous urban fabric. Peat bog covers almost seven times as much land as all Britain's buildings.

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