Diane Abbott - Bloody Liability

samedi 4 novembre 2017

I am traditionally a tory but like many not very happy at present and certainly did not vote for the woman last time and would not again. I like Corbyn in the same way that I like Ken Livingstone think that there are decent fellas and say what they mean (generally).

Corbyn though needs to get rid of this stupid bloody woman, sending her kid to private school should have bene enough to get rid of her there and then forever, then the maths for the police the way her views change with the wind and this latest comment about the armed forces says she is either as thick as shit, lazy and cant be bothered to research or has bad judgement in hiring researchers.

Having a shadow home secretary who thinks its costs £30 to put a new policeman on the street and when her error was pointed out corrected it to £8k and now thinks that in the UK children can fight in the army is not a good place to be.

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