Stop blaming the many managers and chairman it's the players players players

samedi 16 septembre 2017

The one positive out of this disaster of a season (isn't it embarrassing!) is that we as fans are finally beginning to understand the root cause of the issue, the players ! If Conte, Pep or Ferguson was managing this bunch of misfits they would be getting exactly the same results, we have too many sub standard players in our first eleven.
Hennessy- worse keeper in the league by a long way - embarrassing
Ward - best days behind him, does nothing positive in a game, a mistake waiting to happen
Dann - what a fall from grace, almost unbelievable should be nowhere near the match day squad when Sakho is fit
Puncheon - wow what has happened to him !? Awful not worthy and hasn't been for two seasons
Mcarthur - just not good enough, predictable, slow and doesn't change games

With Lee & Kelly is it any wonder we are 5 games in pointless and goalless.

Roy remove these frauds from 1st team action, if you want something that us fans would respond too and ultimately thank you for it would be to shake this team up, they have stopped delivering and they need to go....... as a season ticket holder slapping to Selhurst from deep in Surrey game in game out to watch these no hopers underperform I've gone from supportive, to frustrated, to annoyed and now I'm just bored !! Shake it up Roy if we are going down let's do so having tried something with players that at least have some pride for us fans !!!

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