Oi Salad_Burnet: get your f*****g money out

mardi 23 mai 2017


Originally Posted by Salad_Burnet (Post 13176973)
I have to say, this thing that you're doing is the one thing I'm truly excited about this season. I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU TO FAIL - I just think it'll be really funny. I'll sponsor you alright, but only after you complete the challenge because, frankly, I don't think you'll do it. I reiterate what I said on your 'just giving' thing when I asked why not just do the league games and have done with it. I did route 4 a couple of months ago, doing 95, then 98 miles, in two day, and it was hell. I just don't think this can be done. Sorry. Good luck though and all that.

Sorry to ruin your fun, but I've done it. 38 Premier League games and 4 cup games, there and back.

So can I have my sponsorship, please? And I don't think a tenner will suffice, do you?

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(For anyone else, a tenner would be very welcome, thanks.)

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