mercredi 8 mars 2017

Women Against State Pension Inequality

Today International Women's day and Budget day here in the UK, my wife who for the first time in her life at the age of "60 something" has joined a march in London to protest against inequality in pension changes and the inability of the DWP to provide the proper notice that women's pensions were to change causing many women to lose up to £42,000.00 in pension payments.

Failure to advise Women of the changes by the DWP has meant that many women have been unable to make the required changes to their retirement plans or increase private pensions accordingly.

While WASPI accept the changes to state pension were agreed by Parliament, they are asking for appropriate compensation be paid to those women who have suffered due to the DWP's mismanagement. Many of the women suffering this huge financial loss have been on low paid jobs and will struggle severely to manage a reasonable retirement with many serious implication's.

She is marching today in support #WASPI women on the national demo today - they want to see fair pensions for all women and compensation for the 7 years pension payments she and many others are being deprived of.

Some of you on the BBS will have wives who are suffering the same injustice, they like many women may not be able to afford the loss of pension rights. Many women who had career breaks to raise a family or look after an older relative do not enjoy the same company pensions that many men do. In addition while men's state pensionable age is also rising for my wife's age group, at a maximum the wait for a state pension will only be two years, where as for many women it is seven.

If your wife, mother of other female family member is suffering as many women born in the 1950's are then suggest to them that they join the WASPI movement. Thank you on behalf of my wife, a Palace fan of over 50 years.

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