Volunteering in Kenya - Fundraising!

mercredi 8 mars 2017

Where to start?

Well, I've been given the opportunity to volunteer in Kenya by Balloon Ventures and ICS. During my 10 week trip, I'll be helping entrepreneurs build and grow their businesses to help support the local communities.

In the meantime, I'll be fundraising £800 for Balloon Ventures and ICS so they can continue to support sending youth volunteers abroad.

As part of my quest to meet my target, one of the challenges I've set myself is to cycle to Amsterdam from East Grinstead (my hometown) which is roughly a 300 mile trip. I'll be doing this on April the 1st and arriving on the 5th.

If you could please donate any amount to my Just Giving's Page or share it with friends, family or social media it would be hugely appreciated by me and also Balloons Venture.

On a side note, I strongly suggest anyone who is 18-25 or has children between them ages to have a look at the ICS website. There are several organisations partnered with ICS who you can volunteer with around the world and be involved with several different causes. If you have any questions about it feel free to ask!

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