The BBS, social media and all of that

lundi 21 novembre 2016

The BBS has become a massive part of my (and increasingly so my sons' lives) being an amazingly convenient portal to combine news on Palace and the real world ! (much appreciation and thanks to Dave and all the Mods :)).

The speed of the internet and linking in with lots of other people is an extremely powerful thing (witness the 7/7 thread where people in the know were feeding in news quicker than Sky, the Southern thread that actually has drivers who know whats going on etc) and quite a few of us have actually 'grown up' together over 10-15 years + (the kindness on the Malarkey thread still one of the best things I've ever seen) and more importantly the chance to spar with people from different backgrounds and viewpoints that is an eye opener (not saying I've become a raging lefty but certainly appreciate others views).

That all said over the last few months things have got a bit rabid to say the least. I'm not necessarily talking about Brexit since I think we can all agree this is almost a uniquely complicated and divisive topic that has got everyone treating it like supporting a football team and will run and run for years, but some of the other threads have got really nasty and insults etc generally a lot worse.

Obviously this has always been part and parcel of the BBS and you do have to have a chin of steel sometimes but some of the postings over the last few weeks have been particularly vicious and quite a few people really should be ashamed TBH !!

There seems to be a general social media malaise (really stepped up post Brexit) in that everyone in the World now has an opinion and seems to want to discuss everything but will quickly resort to insults if someone has a different opinion to them etc - is this now the way of the world and am I getting too old :(:(

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