Crowd yesterday

dimanche 27 novembre 2016

I have not posted until now as I was so bloody angry and the train journey home I just sat there in shock

The fans yesterday were IMO the real hard core of the support and a lot of people from the 30 years of following Palace home and away were there so these are people who follow the club through thick and thin and are normally up beat and to see this support turn on the manger I think speaks volumes and only leaves Parish one option and he has to act now.

I can honestly say the last time I was this angry over a game was Millwall when Punch scored a hatrick against us for Millwall absolutely disgusted with the team today

So I will leave you with the song Palace fans sang when arriving back to Paddington last night as it sums up my mood this morning

Al Al **** off Al
Al Al **** off Al
**** of Alan Pardew !!!!!

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