Relegation Avoidance Calculator

samedi 26 novembre 2016

well here is a thread that no one wants to see again but after today it looks like it may be relevant. I've gone through the remaining figures and set down the type of results that we are going to need in order to get to 39 points (which should be safe). Less than 39 points should probably be OK as well so falling behind target isn't too dire but better safe than sorry. We therefore need a further 28 points

These are not predictions but should give some idea as to where we are bearing in mind the difficulty of the fixtures and the fact we seem to have a run of difficult fixtures followed by some easier looking ones.-

................................Projected....Actua l.......Target +/-........Overall

Southampton (h)..............L
Hull (a)...........................D
Man U (h)........................D
Chelsea (h)......................L
Watford (a)......................L
Arsenal (a).......................L
Swansea (h)....................W
West Ham (a)..................D
Everton (h)......................D
Bournemouth (a)..............L
Sunderland (h)................W
Stoke (a)........................D
Middleborough (h)............W
West Brom (a).................L
Spurs (h)........................D
Watford (h).....................W
Chelsea (a)......................L
Southampton (a)..............D
Arsenal (h)......................L
Leicester (h)....................W
Liverpool (a)....................L
Burnley (h).....................W
Man C (a)........................L
Hull (h)..........................W
Man U (a).......................L

Looks like it may well get worse before it gets better. However lets hope I can forget this thread well before May.

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