Regional/local flooding

lundi 21 novembre 2016

I may have gone on a rant about this a while back.
I see the Environment Agency are issuing guidelines to those people in Flood Risk areas.
All the Environment Agency (EA) Flood maps are out of date. Caused by a mixture of climate change and the increase in developments/roads/hardstanding, which prevent water taking its natural course to soakaway. Their advice is worthless.

And finally,....EA Flood defence measures do not protect properties 'up-stream of a river'. Well yes , they do. But it just moves the problem somewhere else further downstream, that wasn't previously at risk. It would be cynical/realistic of me to suggest more affluent areas were being protected at the expense of lesser value homes.

The Government/EA really need to sort their stuff out pronto. This carnage is only going to increase, year on year

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