overly tight trousers on grown men

samedi 12 novembre 2016

I see another mention of SP's trousers from a photo of him in New York. Very tight, and not very forgiving.
When I was in my teens, I used to wear such items, even though it was a struggle to get them on and off (I have big feet, size 11 in my teens)

Since adulthood I have opted for 'forgiving' casual trousers and jeans that have some 'stretch' in them.

Most notable advocates of the skinny jeans/trousers are David Coulthard and Eddie Jordan. Also Russell Brand and the other 'comedian' I can't remember his name. (I can't remember his name because I am so distracted from his routine, by his trousers)

Would I be wrong in criticising tight trousers, or does anyone have similar feelings of awkwardness towards grown men in such attire ?

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