Calendar year stats

mercredi 23 novembre 2016

If mentioned in other threads I have a bee in my bonnett about these (it's unhealthy and nerdy I know!) You all know the ones, the "5 wins in 2016", the "worst performance club in England 2016" and then the Geordies relate it to 2014 etc etc. I see how it appeals though, as the saying goes "it is easy to sell tickets for the ghost train" - and give the punters the scariest looking stats then it will sell more.

If people don't know already, I don't care. I care if we are one of the worst performing premier league sides this season, whether by not winning games, lacklustre performances, lack of clean sheets, a lot of which are true. This is where you can measure our form as what we did in the summer must also come into play.

And when judging a manager I judge his overall performance during his tenure, not an artificial cut of point. Then you see how he is has performed through good and bad times, and what has been done through multiple transfer windows.

Anyway, I know it's a small point in comparison to our defensive problems for example, but it was niggling on me and I had to let my point out. I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks it anyway!

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