Ski Cams

jeudi 3 décembre 2015

OK, hoping for help, this is always a great place for assistance.

Having to do a presentation at work to basically reapply for my own job and have been given the following...

The scenario:
The business owner of a local ski school is embarking on a series of new initiatives to drive improvements to attract new & bring improvements for his existing customers, therefore increasing turnover and profits.
As part of this drive he has a need for camera/video capture capability, thereby allowing customers to capture footage of their experiences when executing their runs and manoeuvres. In this way they can build a bespoke diary of their activities and use the data to track progress & suggest improvements.
As an avid & experienced skier & close friend of the owner, he has approached you offering the opportunity to look at what products are available in the market with a view to making a recommendation for which product he should look to buy in support of his business growth ambitions. You should cover aspects such as relative pros/cons, review of features, value for money, ruggedness & reliability etc.

Any help, pointers, advice etc all gratefully recieved.
I like to think I am already being a bit clever by seeking advice from others :D

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