Loyalty points. Your opinions

lundi 7 décembre 2015

I don't even have a membership, so I get friends to get me the occasional ticket or two. This obviously adds to their loyalty points.
My last game was WBA on Oct 3rd, so I wouldn't consider myself a glory-hunter, or even a 'regular'.

But reading some of the threads about availability of tickets for certain games, I was wondering if anyone felt a 'few tweeks' could be made to the Loyalty Points Scheme ?

It would seem to me that for matches against 'the big boys' that there are quite a few ST/members buying numerous tickets for friends. And well done, all the money goes to the club. And no doubt there is the occasional spiv in amongst them too.

I suppose my question is: Is it fair that people who buy multiple tickets for friends for 'the big games', then get priority for some of the 'niche' matches, e.g. Bournemouth ?

Perhaps the Loyalty Points awarded for additional tickets needs to be reviewed ?

I don't really have a view, but would be interested in comments

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