Is it possible to fall in love with a friend, however long you've been friends?

mercredi 16 décembre 2015

Is it possible to fall in love with a friend, however long you've been friends?

Been friends with a girl, within a wider, stable friendship group, for 14 years now. Always loved her to bits, as a friend, and always got on very well together, but recently my feelings towards her seem to have changed. Not saying it is love, but I'm certainly feeling confused right now.

I went out with her friend, also part of the same friendship group, but that finished 11 years ago, and she is now engaged, so that's fairly irrelevant right?

It doesn't help that she's going abroad for three months (maybe more) with yet another member of the friendship group next week. That clearly heightens things, but I feel so sad that I won't see her for a while.

What do the BBS life/love gurus think?

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