CPSCC Christmas Party

jeudi 10 décembre 2015

Today I had the pleasure of helping out at our annual party for handicapped children held at Selhurst Park. I would just like to register my/our thanks to the Palace management and team who turned up to serve the kids meals and to stay and chat to them. Amongst others we had Pardew, Millen, Lee, Delaney, Cabaye, Chamakh and Ward together with quite a few of the Under 21s. I do apologise for any I have missed out.
I also need to name and shame Aunty Alyce of the BBS who spends a lot of his time (when not in the Two Brewers) organising and running this great charity which also provides a box for the kids every week. I also like going to his annual golf day at Sweetwoods which provides some of their funds.

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