How long will Corbyn last as Labour leader?

mercredi 30 septembre 2015

It seems that the man most likely to split the Labour party into pieces since Anthony Wedgwood-Benn is pissing off his colleagues to such an extent that it will only be a matter of time until the knives are out.

So when will that be?

Cars with no Ignition Keys

Rented a car recently, and it had one of those keys that is not a key, but just has to be in the proximity to let you push the Start button on the dash.

Sitting in a parking lot with the engine off I wanted to open the window, and realized I couldn't without turning the engine on.

Surely there has to be a way to open the window? It would seem a bit of a safety issue not to be able to.

Anyone know if it can be done?

(It was a Mazda so maybe CT knows)

October Betting Masters - 143

BM - 143...All welcome, show the BBS who the best punter is; don't delay join today

OoM after August, Funk takes the lead

Funk Butter 35
Finbar 30
Gooders 29
Stigma 21
3 Beers at HT 20
Flat Noodle 19
PoolKing 19
Louis 18
€pfc 17
No1Fan 12
evvo111 9
StuNick 7
kayjay 6
Beckenham Boy 5
pauldrulez 3
cantspell 2
Little Fozzie 1

Previous winners:

1: el mico
2: three-way 0-0-0 final draw !!!(Plugster, late mail and odds against)
3: Finbar
4: Grim Reaper
5: EagleSE24
7: Stigma
8: Stigma
9: Stigma
10: Tor
11: Finbar
12: Finbar
13: old git
Overall best betting in 2004: Stigma
14. Reps AJ
15. bradley eagle
16. Tor
18. stevejfh
19. Tor
20. Finbar
21. Drunk eagle
22. Ozeagle
24. Wildcat Army
Overall best better in 2005: stevejfh
26: si1965
27: Ozeagle
28: srs9jps
29. si1965
30: hakers
31: Tor (WC '06)
32: srs9jps
33: NO1FAN
34: Drunk eagle
35: Stigma
36: Stigma
37: DedBallSpeshlst
Overall best better in 2006: Flat Noodle
39: Finbar
40: richdeniro
41: Stigma
Champions league winner 06/07: Ian Hart
UEFA Cup winner 06/07: Gav The Hamster
42: Finbar
43: Funk Butter
44: PoolKing
45: Funk Butter
46: Drunk Eagle
47: StuNick
48: Stigma
49: StuNick
Champions league winner 07/08-1: Finbar
UEFA Cup winner 07/08-1: Gav The Hamster
Overall best better in 2007: Finbar
50: GodstoneEagle
51: Funk Butter
52: Finbar
53: Funk Butter
55: Al From Bromley
56: Stigma
2008 Olympics: pauldrulez
57: pauldrulez
58: NO1FAN
59: Al From Bromley
60: Drunk Eagle
Overall best better in 2008: StuNick
61: StuNick
62: ardeo
63: Stigma
65: Finbar
66: No1Fan
67: Al From Bromley
68: Al From Bromley
69: Funk Butter
70: DedBallSpeshlst
71: Kayjay
72: Gooders
73: gjohnk
Overall best better in 2009: Funk Butter
74: Finbar
75: StuNick
76: DedBallSpeshlst
77: Swanny32
78: Funk Butter
79: Funk Butter
80: gjohnk
81: Finbar
82: MynamenisnotMax
83: No1Fan
84: gjohnk
85: Little Fozzie
World Cup 2010 winner: old git
Overall best better in 2010: ?????
86: Flat Noodle
87: Finbar
88: GodstoneEagle
89: Flat Noodle
90: mynameisnotmax
91: Louis
92: Funk Butter
93: gjohnk
94: DedBallSpeshlst
95: Stigma
96: cantspell
97: No1Fan
2011 Order of Merit Winner: Finbar

March 100th edition knockout special: Little Fozzie
Champions league winner 1st half 2011: Finbar
Champions league winner 2nd half 2011: StuNick
Jan - May UEFA Cup winner 2011: StuNick
Aug - Dec UEFA Cup winner 2011: Housey100

98: 3 Beers at HT
99: StuNick
100: cantspell
101: Funk Butter
102: Finbar
103: Swanny32
104: Funk Butter
105: Louis
106: srs9jps
107: Funk Butter
109: Funk Butter
2012 Order of Merit Winner: Funk Butter

August - Dec 2012 Champions League winner: Swanny32
August - Dec 2012 UEFA Cup winner: JamTheEagle

Jan - May 2012 Champions League winner: No1Fan
Jan - May 2012 UEFA Cup winner: Ian Hart
110: Louis
111: Louis
112: Gooders
113: Finbar
114: Little Fozzie
115: StuNick
116: Flat Noodle
117: Louis
118: evvo111
119: srs9jps
120: StuNick
2013 Order of Merit Winner: Louis

Jan - May 2013 Champions League Winner: Gooders
Jan - May 2013 UEFA Cup winner: Scoopster
Aug - Dec 2013 Champions League Winner: Little Fozzie
Aug - Dec 2013 UEFA Cup Winner: Stigma
122: No1Fan
123: PoolKing
125: 3 Beers at HT
126: Louis
127: Finbar
129: 3 Beers at HT
130: Finbar
131: Funk Butter
132: Stig
133: Louis

2014 Order of Merit winner: Finbar
Jan - May 2014 Champions League Winner: Stigma
Jan - May 2014 UEFA Cup winner: Bellyman
Aug - Dec 2014 Champions League Winner: Ardeo
Aug - Dec 2014 UEFA Cup Winner: PoolKing
Winter Olympics 2014 Winner: srs9jps

134: Gooders
135: Finbar
136: 3 Beers at HT
137: Funk Butter
138: €pfc
139: Gooders
140: Funk Butter
141: Louis

Rules are as follows

1 Every player has 200 points to bet with in the first round.

2 Each separate bet made is 10 points meaning players have 20 bets during the first 20 days. Maximum bet on a single market is 10 points, same rule applies for identical multis (basically no duplicate bets though you can do a team A, team B double on one bet and then add team C for a treble in another bet)

3 In the second round the 4* finalists all start by carrying forward 25% of their score from the first round added to the 150 points that can bet used in the second round. The person who qualifies for the final with the most points also gets an additional 10pt bet. (*if the number of participants gets to 16 or more, then a 5th finalist place will be added and then one more for every 5 players on top of that).

4 Betting Masters, first group stages runs from 0000 on the first of the month (standard UK time) to 2359hrs on the 20th of the month. Then the top four* posters come together in a mini league from there on until the end of the month.
Final bet settlement must occur before 2359 on the last day of the month.

5 Naturally the winner is the person with the highest score at the end of the last day of the month.

6 Scoring consists of total winnings and is inclusive of 10 point stake i.e. someone bets on a 6/4 horse and it wins their score becomes 25 (15 points profits plus the 10 pt stake) There is no score for any bets not used. Losing bets are scored as zero, not -10.
Any bet from an exchange bookie will have a 4% commission (on the winnings), if nothing else is explicitly stated in the post.

7 Players must quote where they're getting their prices.

8 Singles and upwards accepted.

9 For boxed multis and bets such as Yankees, each separate bet within the bet counts as separate and will cost 10pts per bet. e.g. ten trebles from five selections will use up 100 points.

10. E/W bets are counted as two bets in the masters, which means 10 points x 2

11. For tracking purposes, players are requested to put the outcome of their bets on the post for all events other than European soccer/tennis.

12. Where possible players are requested to put down a running total of their bets in their posts, although I'll also try and produce rolling league tables where possible.

13. After a bet has been posted up, one is not allowed to edit it..

14. The bets must be possible to do in real life, meaning for example that if you got a multi, all the odds have to come from 1 bookmaker. You can’t shop around for the highest odds and put them together. "Special promotion" type bets are not allowed though BOG (Best Odds Guaranteed) are.

15. Bets must be placed at odds of 1/10 (or 1.1 in decimal) or higher

16. Any Draw No Bet bets where the result is a push will always have the bet settled as void, never 10pts. Any asian handicap bet where the result is a push (in full) will have the bet settled as void. Any asian handicap where half of the stake is returned will be marked down as 5pts with the remainder of the Asian handicap settled as a win or a loss (this is applicable for asian handicaps such as 2.25 or -2, -2.5 etc)

17. In the event that a player is not sure if their bet will finish in time, before midnight on the 20th or midnight for qualifying midnight on the final day of the month for the final, they can make a provisional bet or bets which then become actual bets only if their original selection(s) finishes at 12.01am or after

The new Reading song. WTF WTAF

What have I just seen.

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Pardew vs Pulis stats

Both have played 24 games. Pardew has 34 goals compared to Pulis 24. Pards 14 wins to Pulis 11. Who do you think has signed the better players?

Thameslink to Norwood Junction ?

Any good public transport connections will help us when the roads and the traffic is often frustrating.

Here is the link, sign the petition. Its probably a longshot. But seeing as we are in the Premier League, who knows ? We may especially need transport infrastructure if we wish to expand Selhurst Park.

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Tony Hawks Pro Skater 5 (Multi Platform)

So, only a few days until the latest edition in the series. Came out in America today and it's getting absolutely hammered in reviews for being unfinished and really glitchy. Apparently a 7gb patch is downloaded on first install! The game itself is only 4.5gb!

I was planning on getting it but given the US reviews circulating at the moment, I think I'll wait a few months.

English Teams Under-achievements in Europe

Its not even October and already some big money English teams are struggling in the Champions league. It seems bizarre that the home of the wealthiest league in the world doesn't translate into victories abroad.

I am mainly asking about football clubs. Do not even get me started on the England Squad debacle.

And a question : Why ? why so much money and talent and fans and so little to show for it ?

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Live Com and Updates: Crewe v Palace U21

Lots of new faces. 1 down already. Thanks to @PalaceYouth:

#CPFC U21 team to play Crewe: Gregory; Wynter, Croll, Pepe-Ngoma, Sturgess; Berekely-Agyepong, Hoare, Dymond, Bissaka, Gray; Hall

#CPFC bench vs Crewe U21s: Pain, Breimyr, Fundi, Lokilo, O'Dwyer

CB Herve Pepe-Ngoma was released by Leicester in the summer (@FoxesYouth) and has recently left Nuneaton by mutual agreeme

Goal: Crewe U21s 1-0 #CPFC U21s. Andrew Brown runs onto a ball over the top and beats Gregory 1vs1 to score against the run of play.

I guess you had to be there

Maybe I'm easily amused, and perhaps I should stay in more often, but an incident on my last day back in England is still giving me a little chuckle to myself. Anyway, while taking a leisurely stroll through the genteel backstreets of Fort Neef I encountered a sturdy looking blond woman who appeared to be in her early 20's. She was pushing a pram, with two other young children walking beside her. As we passed each other she turned to the youngest on foot, who looked to be about five and snarled,
"you're a fackin div you are, a fackin div, that's why you support Crystal Palace."
As I slowed my pace down to hear any comeback, I heard the upset youngster respond to his mother's outburst by asking,
"why are Palace div's mum," to which she replied.
"cos they fackin are, and that's what you are, a fackin div."
Now it did cross my mind to turn back and console the young, aspiring Eagle and tell him that despite what mumsy says,Palace are, by far, the greatest team the world has ever seen, and that hopefully we're on our way to Wembley.However, after sizing up mum, I came to the conclusion that it might be in my best interests to get back to my computer and start a thread on the incident instead.
I know people will say this is typical of today's Broken Britain, but the more I think of it, the more I think that this young mother was just preaching a modern form of tough love. The refreshingly, honest way she went about putting her point across was an absolute credit to her parenting skills. She knows full well the ridicule the young Eagle will have to endure at school from supporters of the Premiership elite, and she is fully aware of the years of heartache that will follow him into adulthood where he'll have to deal with relegation battles, adminstations and cold, wet nights at exotic places like Middlesboro and Derby.
Yes, as they say 'mum is always right,' although what made this scene so funny was her use of the word "div." I don't think I had heard it used in anger since around 1973. So anyway let's have three cheers for mum, and as the title suggests, I guess you had to be there.

Hainguyen :hi:

Ugliest fans in the Premiership..

...Man Utd and Chelsea.

I'd agree with that ... rat faced mancs and overweight Chelsea chavs are not exactly oil paintings.

Palace at 15th, might have been bottom if not for the crystals. But then again maybe Izzard, Brand and little Ronny Corbett affected our overall "dateability" scoring :p

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Academy - Doom and Gloom

Seems to be a lot of negative news about the Academy and there Home currently ( Goals)but we seem to be signing some promising youngsters, ie Jason Lokilo from Anderlect,something must be going right or is it just money

Who have we played most?

On MOTD at the weekend they said it was our 111th match with Watford.

Given the relative size and histories of the clubs I should imagine there aren't many teams we've played more than them. Who are our most played against opponents?

Is this info even accessible?

iOS 9 Ad Blockers

Can anyone recommend an ad blocker app for the iPhone/iPad now that iOS 9 has been released?

Autoclutch being evicted

I have just recently come across this in the local news. Another sad story of a small local business being driven out by property developers.

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The owner has been battling developers for 13 years, but it now looks like he will have to leave.

Having been part of the community for over 40 years you would think that something could be done to save the place, the poor sod isn't getting any compensation by the looks of it either :veryangry

I've only used the garage a handful of times, but on each occasion he has always looked after me and provides great value for money. Gutted for him.

Tory Party Conference 2015

Thought this deserved a new thread, as there will be references in speeches no doubt to Corbynomics, Trotskyism, return to the 70s, and danger to the security of the UK, blah, blah, blah.

We have also discussed the reform of welfare in this country at length, so I thought it would be a good way to start the thread with a link back to this time last year, with a Guardian report on the "Corporate Welfare State", which is a little known and discussed subject. This is it:

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They interviewed people last night asking them what they thought of Corbyn's speech. They loved the message, but consistently asked how it all was going to be afforded. They probably had no idea, that when it comes to big business, there is no shortage of cash available for handouts.

Champions League

With English clubs doing so badly there is a possibility of losing the fourth qualifying spot to Italy for the 2017-2018 season.
You just now Palace will finish fourth that year!

55 Savushkina Street Thread Derailments (and World Leader Top Trumps)

Happy days. Putin upstages Obama on the same day that Corbyn kickstarted Labour back into life. Maybe there is hope for justice in this society after all.

Happy Birthday Pedro

mardi 29 septembre 2015

The big fifty for Maidstoned.

Have a great day mate. :love:

Bolasie's "foul" throw

A candidate for most pointless thread of the year, but here goes... In the Watford game the ref awarded two foul throws against us, which I imagine is fairly rare as you'd expect professional footballers to be able to do it correctly.

Souaré's was given for not releasing the ball over his head I think. Bolasie's - I guess - was given for delivering the throw while on his knees. It was certainly unorthodox, but there doesn't seem to be anything in the rules that say you can't do that. Both his feet were on the floor, behind the line and it was delivered from behind and over his head.

Refs of the BBS: would you have allowed it?

Palace in Pattaya

Am there weekend of Leicester game, any where people meet up?

Only West Ham v Chelsea significant game at 3pm

Man United (H)

Just had a look at bundle tickets, now I'm not sure if it's just me or everyone..But both Sunderland/Newcastle bundle tickets have green areas available in the ground.

On the key green areas have 'excellent' availability, Holmesdale Upper had some green sections. I clicked on these green sections and there are no tickets whatsoever available in there. Sort the online ticketing system out. Please. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Black Cab Or Uber

Was sent an email today from Uber stating that new proposed legislation will mean that people HAVE to wait 5 mins for a car.

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It appears that the legislation has been proposed purely to give back the black cab drivers their monopoly.

So question is.... do you guys Uber or Black cab for your London (and other city) transport needs?

The Estate We're In

A new feature in this weeks Evening Standard.

Anyone reading it ?

It's grim, no doubt. Generally poorly designed estates facing inwards that house the local poor. Some have been through regeneration and had the old tower blocks replaced by new housing.

What does come across is the people he's staying with are single Mum's with 5, 6, 7 kids either not working, studying or working part time.

Forgive me, but isn't it generally normal to try and live within your means ? If you're a single mother with that many children how can you possibly keep an eye on them ?

Why keep on having kids with various fathers ?

Put that into the tinder box that is estate life and it's no wonder things go wrong and gang culture thrives. No parental control or work ethic.

I was an estate kid, not inner London (New Addington), but my parents took responsibility for me and guided me. I was never allowed to roam the streets at all hours. I knew my boundary's and had enough respect in me that I rarely breached them.

Parenting is the answer. Don't have 7 kids with 5 dads then claim the social. Be an adult, be responsible and show your kids a decent standard of behaviour. This 'poor me' culture sickens me.

Views ?

The correct verdict?

Interesting case:
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Dirty old man gets knifed by a stranger who went to confront him equipped with a knife. Due to the "unique"circumstances, she got three and a half years, likely to spend only half of that in prison.

You can "get" the judgement, but is one and a half years in prison appropriate for what was manslaughter?

Interested to hear opinions :p

Match Updates: Midweek Games 29th Sep - 1st Oct

Chelsea losing at Porto. It isn't even surprising anymore


Accident on A1 southbound near Grantham, stuck in the jam behind heading home from work. After half an hour, absolutely gagging for a pee so fished out an empty coke bottle from the back of the car and for the first time ever, attempted to wee into a bottle while seated.

It's ******* gone everywhere and now I am sat in a small puddle of warm urine.

How the hell do you pull off that stunt??

Bakerloo Extension on our Manor

just seen the maps of the bakerloo line extension. Given the predilection of palace players to use public transport, this can only be a good thing.

Do you also have images of players from all the clubs to the north and west of us, migrating to our Beckenham training ground and putting on the red and blue shirt ?

any other thoughts on the Bakerloo extension ?

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Having the Jury still out on Wickham.
Does anyone wish we had signed Gestede, seeing what he has done at Villa so far?

Best Homemade Curry

Bit bored at home with kid off school with chicken pox. Asked her what she wanted for her tea. My homemade Minced Lamb & pea curry was her reply. Which, because I'm bored and cook lots of curries, got me thinking it might be an idea to start a thread on the mighty BBS about curry. Apologies if there's one already but I wasn't bored enough to trail around looking for it.

So, best homemade curries please. Homemade only - no jars of sauces or some such shit. As authentic as possible and ones that really taste like a proper curry house curry. Any area - Indian, Thai etc.

Mandela Egbo - Guardian interview

Interesting interview with ex-Palace youth team player Mandela Egbo, now at Monchengladbach.

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Discussion: Gayle to extend contract

Just seen that we are in negotiations to extend his contract. Two years left. Personally think it is a good thing as it helps his resale value and hopefully he may bang them in for us. Looking forward to the haters saying 'no!!!!'

Crystal Palace have opened talks with striker Dwight Gayle over a new contract at Selhurst Park, according to the Guardian.

Gayle nearly left Premier League Palace twice during the summer transfer window, with Championship side Bristol City having a £9million bid accepted and Norwich making an offer on deadline day. Gayle refused to drop down a division to join newly-promoted City, while Palace rebuffed Norwich’s offer as it was too late to secure a replacement.

Signed for a then club-record fee of £3.5million from Peterborough in 2013, the 25-year-old has struggled for regular game time under Alan Pardew, with Connor Wickham preferred in a central striking role.

However, Gayle was handed a chance to impress from the start against Watford at the weekend after scoring a Capital One Cup hat-trick against Charlton in midweek.

The Guardian report that although Gayle still has two years remaining on his current contract, Palace are keen to extend his deal by a further two years after securing fresh terms with Yannick Bolasie, Scott Dann and James McArthur.

The Playstation One

...(or Playstation as it was called then) was released in the UK 20 years ago today.

I can't believe it's that long ago. Just discussed it in the office and someone pipes up with "I wasn't actually born for another two years".

I dread to think what they're like now but Resident Evil 2, Wipeout 2097 and ISS Pro were my games of choice back then. Anyone else got any particular favourites?

Premium Rate Box Office Number

Is there a reason that a Premier League club with an income of £100m+ this season has a premium rate phone number that takes months to answer?

A callback system that doesn't work and has probably cost me another fiver on top of having to call back because it hasn't worked.

A ticket website that doesn't fully work, a premium rate phone number and a shit callback system.

Do we get "loyalty" points for this shit?

Hey !

lundi 28 septembre 2015

Anyone know why I keep getting logged out every 2 mins ?

Get the 'Hey ! Looks like you're enjoying the forums etc etc' message. Well actually I'm not coz I keep getting thrown out

Crystal Ball WBA

Score, scorers and attendance please

Jack Grealish has chosen England over Ireland (split)

Chosen to play for England over Ireland. Is he as good as people make out?

Draws or lack thereof

Pardew's comments in the Watford post match interview that we play on the margins which means we usually either win or lose tight games got me thinking about how few draws we have had. Not only have we had none this season, I read somewhere that under Pardew we have only had one draw in 29 games. This was against Newcastle quite early in his tenure.

I have just done a bit of research and notice that our win at Watford is our 20th league game in a row without a draw. (11 wins & 9 losses). This is a remarkable statistic and I wondered if it might be some sort of record but I then remembered that Man City had gone on a long winning streak until their recent defeat to West Ham. City have in fact gone 21 games since a 1-1 draw against Hull on the 7th February.

I doubt very much there have been many times in league history that even one club has gone on a run of 20 games without a draw let alone two teams in the same division. For example only Burton Albion have yet to draw this season outside of the Premier League! It will be interesting to monitor both City & Palace in the next few games to see how long either can continue to go without a draw and even see if some sort of record is set.

Can anyone recommend a 3G unlimited data sim for Spain

Hi All,

Bit of a random one but Googling is drawing a blank.

I'm after a 3G sim for a mifi device for Spain (for approx 1 month) that will give me unlimited 3G ...for Kodi mainly :)

Can anyone recommend one?

It would be used in the Marbella area.

I've seen 4G unlimited data sims for 85 euro a month, but trying to see whether a 3G one (undoubtedly cheaper) would do the job.


Rumour: Matt Stevens

Young striker we are apparently interested in...

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Start to this season

Did you know that we have more points this season than we did the last 2 seasons up to December 2013 and 2014 - in fact when we finished 11th, we only had one third of our current total after 11 games !! I always wondered where we would have finished had we started off well, soon I will know, living the dream.

Selhurst Linesman near the away fans

Looking at our brilliant away form and thinking how to improve things at home.
People have blamed the new surface on the pitch, but it may be other factors. Do many of you remember when the away fans sat between the arthur waite massive and the holmesdale ?

surely for every 'offside' call , this would improve our home record ? Can we either move the away-fans or move the linesman over to the other side of the pitch ? any opinions please.

Match Updates: West Brom v Everton

If Everton win we drop a place.

Here's hoping for a score draw and lots of sending offs.

Prediction: Honors even, 1-1


Is it just me who thinks Marriappa would be a huge improvement over Kelly.Mapps is quicker,a better tackler and can actually pass the ball to a team mate.Kelly has looked like the weak ever since Ward got injured,

Life on Mars

A TV show, David Bowie hit or a distinct possibility?

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Steve Evans leaves Rotherham

A bad day for pie sellers in South Yorkshire.

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Fire Emblem Fates

This game is not due out until next year but already I cannot wait having played Awakening after someone on here (sorry I can't remember who) suggested it as a good game.

There seems to be a little confusion as it has been released in Japan in two parts with a third DLC path which is how we thought it would be released in the US and Europe too. But sites like Game and Amazon are showing the game as a single release. Not sure how that works, and I personally kind of hope we get two releases. I mean Nintendo do it with Pokemon, so it's not really any different.

Hurry up and come out damn game... I want to play it. :sob:

What/who was Cabaye looking for at the final whistle?

dimanche 27 septembre 2015

Sorry if mentioned elsewhere already, I did have a look but couldn't see it mentioned.

The TV coverage here in Sweden stopped almost straight after the final whistle, but was at the time with the camera following Cabaye as he left the bench and seemed to be looking for someone down in the home fans corner where he had received his yellow card.

Anyone who was there know what/who he was looking for?

Suggested Team and Formation For: West Brom (home)

We know what we are going to get from them, so we should be disciplined and bide our time:


Subs including:


Give Zaha a go in what I believe will be his best position long term - everyone else has had a go there and he's been our best attacker so far this season so deserves a try.

Joe Ledley

Good today. That is all.

Holbeach Utd vs Worcester city 1-1 fa cup.

Can some kind sole put the video up from YouTube please, you have to see the holbeach keepers goal!. Thanks in advance:p.

Brede who?

Who is this colossal, train-riding centre-half of ours?

And no sneaky cheating to look it up, either.

Saturday & Sunday League 2015/16

It has been a few seasons since we had one of these threads I think, but usually a good read. I retired after last season, but I just couldn't hack it. As soon as the Premier League season started I was itching to get back playing. So missed all of pre season, but my team hadn't really replaced me so I played in the League Cup last week and had a very solid game despite not playing since early April, and even more so given my mind was elsewhere with my sister dying on the Friday.

Morden and District League a bit buggered at the moment. 8 teams in our division, 4 of them Vets teams. :eek:

The Real Test is Now

Next Two Games:


The biggest complaint last year was our home form.
Spent a lot of money on technical players to help improve that.

Last year these two games gave us two awful performances and 0points.
Its been a great start to the season, but these two games will really show us how much we have actually improved.

Big test for pardew.

Song for Hangeland

Not up for discussion, this is the only option.

Woooaaah big Brede, Hangeland

Dead ball free kicks: Puncheon or Cabaye

Simple question really...?

Player Ratings And Reviews: Watford (away)

Poll to follow

Did I just get transported back in time?

Substitute Phillips for Cabaye (Forresteri for new bloke too) and I'm not sure I'd be able to tell the difference in that goal :D

Same result too!

More Establishment appeasement.

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How on earth can the Police insist that this art work is pulled because if might be provocative?

Have we now truly binned the entire concept of freedom of expression ?

As to the piece itself, well I cannot really comment. Seems bloody daft to me but, then again, so does 95% of most modern art so I am hardly in a position to make any genuine critique of it but have our establishment become so cucked by identity politics that even something like this is deemed to be too dangerous to display in the capital city of a major, global democracy?

Because if this is not all some cunning publicity stunt then we might as well hand over the keys to our homes, pull our daughters out of full time education and kiss good bye to the joys of a bacon sandwich for ever because we don't want to offend Islamic fundamentalist ****wits now.

If the reach of their power is so great that some ludicrous art installation featuring cuddly toys is deemed to be too much of a provocation, then perhaps our entire civilisation is no longer fit for purpose.

We truly are 4th century Rome and not only are the barbarians at the gates but the soc.libs are laying out the welcome mats for them.

Alan Pardew and shirley Bassey

Back in the Uk and just bought the latest copy of Viz. one page lists the adventures of Alan Pardew and Shirley Bassey. Very odd. I presume it's a Newcastle dig

Loan Watch

Being an established premier leauge side and all we seem to have all our best young talents out on loan..

Joniesta - Forrest
Hiram Boateng- Plymouth
Sullay KaiKai- Shrewsbury
Keshi Anderson- Doncaster Rovers
Ryan Inniss- Port Vale
Jerom Binnon Williams- Burton Albion.

Think that instead of having to check everyones transfer thread to see how they are getting on, people should post any updates or views on the loanees here.

Will probably get ignored, but better to have it all in one place anyhow..

Live Com and Updates: Watford V Crystal Palace ko 16:00 sky sports 1

samedi 26 septembre 2015

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Yala Signs for 3 and a half years

Great news. Now we have all of our key players signed on. Just got to get the injured players back to full throttle and off we go.

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Suggestion: Nick Blackman

Well it's took a while but he's finally starting to prove himself. Looked superb for Reading against Ipswich the other week and another goal today (8th of the season).

Maybe worth a thought as out of contract at the end of the season?

Apple TV

Any one have it ? Any good ? Can you jailbreak version 3 ?

Taxation and Benefits

The only fair system of taxation and benefits should be based on the following basis:

All taxation should be assessed at the household level rather than the individual level

All benefits should be means tested


Match Updates: Premier league matches 26th/27th

First up, Spurs v City

Live Com and Updates: Palace U18s vs Nottingham Forest U18s

Palace finally get their home campaign under way after extensive work to the pitch at GOALS. Think this is the eighth week of the season,. Only one defeat on the road with some pretty long away journeys. Drew 2-2 at Crewe last time out.

Updates on @PalaceYouth Twitter from 11:30.

May write a report as well.

Another Exclusive Croydon Ad (Mark Ritson)

vendredi 25 septembre 2015

Noticed just before today's Alan Pardew Press Conference that Mark Ritson said that he had heard a whisper of an announcement at the Press Conference,now he has said he can't say anything till tomorrow night as there is an "embargo" on his exclusive.
Is this another Croydon Advertiser "exclusive" that isn't really or? is Fryers really alive and kicking

Thailand property fraud

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Much Sympathy?

On the one hand the fraud is clearly wrong and out of order. On the other hand if you are a middle aged man heading to Thailand for a wife half your age and a house twice as nice as you would have here. Surely the sensible and less greedy option would be to keep your dough well out of reach and rent.

Corbyn Tracker

As reported in the BBC this morning, quoting the Guardian:


In a private paper circulated to political associates last week, Lord Mandelson told opponents of Mr Corbyn to prepare for the "long haul".

He said: "In choosing Corbyn instead of Ed Miliband, the general public now feel we are just putting two fingers up to them, exchanging one loser for an even worse one.

"We cannot be elected with Corbyn as leader. Nobody will replace him, though, until he demonstrates to the party his unelectability at the polls.

"In this sense, the public will decide Labour's future and it would be wrong to try and force this issue from within before the public have moved to a clear verdict."
Good to see the comrades rallying together ...

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

jeudi 24 septembre 2015

I'll never forgive the production team. I haven't even cared to learn their names. But to cast Kevin Costner...

No 'Robin Hood' should ever have spoken an American English, a phrase that, at times, can feel an oxymoron.

The near perfect film. Still a joy with Rickman and Freeman. you, dear BBSer...the near perfect film to you and why and how it fell short.

Feel free to leave the good bits.

Travel...Eagles swoop down to Ground level, or below

not seen another thread on this. Our boys are travelling with us, among us, and beside us. On the trains and tube. I know the traffic is a nightmare on a matchday in SE25, but wow. One minute we are winning at Stamford Bridge and flying up in the dizzy heights of the football stratosphere, the next they are sitting on the northern line between a labourer and an office worker.

no airs, no graces.

You gotta love the Pardew effect :love:

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Brits held in Portugal Over Burglar Death

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What do we make of this?

In short:

- they were on holiday when a geezer broke in
- they called police and restrained the burglar in a headlock until they arrived
- he died after the police arrived
- now being investigated

For me, if you break into my house, you forfeit all rights the second you enter my property and I will take you down.

POTD 2015/16

Does anyone know the clubs that are on POTD this season?

Loan: Keshi Anderson

Gone to Doncaster good move hope he gets plenty of games.

Loan: Keshi Anderson joins Doncaster Rovers on loan

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Premier League starlet joins Rovers on loan.

Doncaster Rovers are delighted to welcome Keshi Anderson to the football club on a 28 day loan.

The highly rated 20 year old striker joins from Premier League side Crystal Palace with Doncaster having fended off stiff competition from a list of would be suitors.

The Eagles striker arrived at Selhurst Park in February from non league Barton Rovers – having scored a hat-trick against Alan Pardew’s side in a trial game.

Anderson who scored on his U21’s debut for Palace, recently hit a hat-trick against their Watford counterparts and could go straight in to Saturday’s squad for the trip to Bramall Lane.

Should the youngster feature, it would be his Football League debut

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Trying to upload a MP4 video or a few,

Not having much luck uploading a MP4 video. Can anyone help, please?

Fan Pictures and Videos from: vs Charlton

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Hopefully, these work.

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Club History BBC page - v interesting

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It's titled My Premier League life but has total matches played, won, drawn, lost, goals scored / conceded, etc in your lifetime

It my lifetime

Matches Played 2,090
Won 778
Drawn 569
Lost 743
Scored 2,702
Conceded 2,626
Average result 1-1
Clean sheets 593
Non scored 601
Longest winning streak 8 games
Longest losing streak 8 games
Longest unbeaten streak 17
Club beaten most Leicester @ 21 times
Club lost to most Nottingham Forest 22
Strangely in the total Club history, rather than just my lifetime, the club we have beaten the most is Norwich @ 46 times and the team we have lost to the most is Norwich @ 44 times!

Any US members with an itunes account help

Hi All
are there any BBS members the other side of the pond who can help a sufferer in the UK out with an iTunes issue?
I am trying to set up a Logitech link to control my TV etc. via the iPhone and iPad. However after purchase I find out that the software can only be downloaded from the us version of iTunes. The suggested solution is open a new account on the US site but the clever bods at apple have stopped this as you need to have a US registered credit card and if you opt for none they seem to realise you are over here from the IP address. So what I need is someone who will let me logon as them to down load the APP I need who live in the US or has an iTunes account registered there.

before you ready wits decided that this is the latest Nigerian scam it isn't and I'm stuck so hhhhheeeeeelllllppppp

Hangeland photoshop thread

Off you go

Taken after the game last night not my pic. :D

Any plumbers out there?

Hi, general question...I've just been quoted £549 to replace a water tank in my loft, does that sound a reasonable quote, ta :p

CB crisis - can Jedi play alongside Hangeland ?

If Delaney and Dann are unfit for the weekend , how about Man Mountain Jedinak alongside Hangeland at the weekend? Not ideal and perhaps a cumbersome pairing but our options look limited .

Player Ratings And Reviews: Charlton

Not sure where Glaziers Fan is when you need him (or my eyesight is worse than ever :rolleyes:)

Well, it was on paper the thrashing I’d demanded, and there is no doubt Palace confirmed the gulf in class between the Premier League & Championship, but for a while the Addicks had us a little worried, and some friendly officiating gave the clowns a fig leaf to cover their embarrassment. Our second-string attack never looked less than dangerous against what I am led to believe was a weakened opposition and it was nice to sit back and wait for the next chance to appear.

Pardew fielded a very unusual 4-4-2 formation – it will never catch on! Hennessey in goal; Kelly & Souaré at full back; Delaney & Mariappa central defence; Ledley & McArthur in central midfield; Zaha on the right & Chung-yong Lee the right; and Gayle and Campbell up front. This XI showed the strength in depth of Premier League squads these days, and then you looked at the bench – Speroni, Hangeland, Cabaye, Sako, Puncheon, Bolasie & Bamford. Not an apprentice or YTS lad among them. This also showed that Pardew was serious about his ambitions in the cups this year.

The first half was entertaining but frustrating to a degree. Charlton just didn’t look dangerous – I can recall one shot straight at Hennessey. Instead Palace displayed pace and passing that we used to be routinely on the end of. The midfield was undeniably ours and there were regular incursions down the flanks. Problem was that we still lacked a cutting edge up front and too often looked to walk the ball into the net. The chances mounted, the best coming early when an excellent cross from Lee found an unmarked Campbell eight yards out, only for his header to come off the top of his head & over the bar. That was Lee’s best moment in the first half as apart from that he was very disappointing, regularly losing the ball. In contrast Zaha was having a good game, putting in several dangerous crosses but neither Gayle nor Campbell could quite make contact. After bedazzling his full back Wilf did find Campbell close in, but Fraizer’s snap shot was deflected just over, while Gayle finally took a shot from the edge of the box to see the ball flash just wide. The only disconcerting moment of the half was the loss of Delaney to injury, replaced by Hangeland.

Second half started much the same as the first – Palace well on top but still yet to imprint their superiority on the scoreboard. Lee dragged a shot well wide then Zaha put in another fine cross only for Campbell, unmarked in the middle of the goalmouth, to glance his header well wide. We were still cursing when Zaha again tore the Addicks’ left flank apart and Campbell, admittedly at the second attempt, turned on the ball and finished from 12 yards out. That did seem to put some fire in Charlton’s belly and there was almost an immediate response, Bergdich cutting in on our right and his shot from a tight angle striking Hennessey’s knees. It was an isolated moment of concern: Gayle headed in a corner only for it to be ruled out (no idea why), then set up Campbell whose turn in the box ended with him on the ground and a penalty awarded – it looked a soft decision but Dwight smashed the ball home.

At 2-0 we were gleefully taunting the away fans, but the football gods didn’t like that. Bamford had come on for Campbell when Charlton won a corner, despite the ball going out off Bergdich’s enormous arse, and from that the giant Sarr had a free header from about 6 yards that simply burst through Hennessey’s hands. They were to have another couple of headed chances in the short period of worry that followed, but one from Sarr was easier for Wayne to deal with while Ahearne-Grant’s effort missed the target. So up stepped Mr. Swarbrick to award a second penalty for a foul on Gayle; it had more justification than the first but still didn’t look clear-cut (they never do at the Holmesdale Road end from 100+ yards away); ironically it came seconds after the ref had ruled out a Charlton appeal for a player trying to squeeze through a gap that wasn’t there. It helped that Diarra was given a straight red card, then Gayle coolly sent Pope the wrong way.

With that the game was over as Palace’s use of the ball and pace against a tiring, undermanned opposition was the equivalent of smearing them in jam and pegging them out on an anthill. The ball flashed across their area on a regular basis and the chances piled up. On a quick break Gayle passed up the chance of a hat-trick to set up Bamford, whose shot had placement but not enough force and was well saved by Pope, but Dwight didn’t have to wait long for this third, his header from another corner made me believe it had to be one of our towering attackers. Cabaye (what a resource to have coming off the bench) finished the night with a shot that hit the bar (perhaps with a touch from the keeper) and Gayle’s header from the rebound being saved by Pope. By the end the noisome visitors had crept home in sullen disappointment, their team deservedly crushed.

Hennessey – 6 – Very little to do. The goal looked bad but the header was at such close range & with such power that I don’t think he had a chance to do more than start raising his hands. It was very similar to West Ham’s third at home last year when the ball burst through Speroni’s hands. If you are lucky it strikes just enough flesh for the ball to be diverted up.

Kelly – 7 – Defensively was caught out once by Bergdich, but apart from that was relatively untroubled. Played a good role supporting the attack, linking up well with Zaha.

Souaré – 8 – If not for Dwight’s hat-trick Pape would have been man of the match. An excellent display of mostly attacking play, strong & fast running and some accurate crosses.

Delaney – 6 – Nothing to do until he sunk to his knees in the centre circle.

Mariappa – 6 – Quiet night, used the ball well.

McArthur – 7 – Along with Ledley he bossed the middle of the park. Wish he would occasionally pull the trigger from the edge of the box.

Ledley – 7 – Pretty much barred Charlton’s route through the middle and used the ball well.

Lee – 5 – Apart from one pin-point cross in the first half it was an underwhelming first-half display, his use of the ball was poor and he was often dispossessed. Improved in the second half and when Charlton were exhausted and down to 10 men he looked quite good.

Zaha – 7 – Made plenty of chances down the right and his crosses were generally fine, often driven low, and really should have been met by Campbell or Gayle on a more regular basis. Worked hard too, closing down defenders, and his decision making was good.

Campbell – 6 – Decent first half let down by inability to take chances. Slightly better in the second when an awful miss was followed with a goal that even then looked laboured. Like Wilf & Dwight worked hard in closing down the defence.

Gayle – 8 – Hat-trick and could perhaps have had five or six with a disallowed effort and those saved or just wide. Looked dangerous when running at the defence but did win some headers in build-up play.

Hangeland – 5 – Completely lost Sarr for their goal and was quickly beaten by him soon after for another chance.

Bamford – 6 – Busy but never quite clicked; not sure if the effort saved by Pope was a fine save or a mediocre finish. Like most he looked good in the last 15 minutes.

Cabaye – 7 – Bringing Yohan off the bench was rubbing Charlton’s nose in the dirt, nearly capped with a fine shot from distance that thumped the bar.

Player Ratings And Reviews: Man City next in the cup

mercredi 23 septembre 2015

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Everton v Norwich City

Hull City v Leicester City

Liverpool v Bournemouth

Manchester City v Crystal Palace

Manchester United v Middlesbrough

Sheffield Wednesday v Arsenal

Southampton v Aston Villa

Stoke City v Chelsea

Ties to be played week commencing 26 October

I can't believe there's not a "Bay City Rollers To Reform" thread yet!

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To the young lad hurt tonight

I was right beside you when the bottle hit you at the top of Holmesdale road.

I thought you were stoic.

I really hope your head is ok, lots of claret.

Maybe the club will read this and sort you out with something, maybe in the next round.

Anyways, all the best.

City away (league cup)

Will be Wednesday 28th October as city are playing Utd on the Sunday. Cheap tickets hopefully. Decent prices on Virgin trains atm.

Charlton post-match policing

Split from the FSF thread which will get overrun with stuff no doubt. Discuss.

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Just taken from Newcastle forum

First time since he left I've wished Pardew was still in charge.
Last edited by Heisen on Wed Sep 23, 2015 8:41 pm, edited 1 time

Shit kebab anyone?

We've all heard someone tell us that they had a shit kebab the night before. Well maybe they did.

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Brighty and Salako on rivals

Video of Mark Bright and John Salako discussing our rivals.

They rank them, talk about playing against them and share their memories of both playing for Charlton ("It was a nothing time for me" - Salako).

Full video is available to watch for free at :p

Olive leaf extract.

If its that good for you and that expensive, I am a multi millionaire.

A yone heard of, or used this?

Anyone want some? Lol.

Hamstring Injuries

Jedinak out of the Australia squad as he's picked up another hamstring injury, what is going on in training to produce all these injuries?

Seems like every week we get another player out with a hamstring injury.

Happy Birthday, Micky Droy!

Have a beautiful day!
:lux: XxX :lux:

Live Com and Updates: Crystal Palace V Charlton Capitol One Cup 7.45pm

mardi 22 septembre 2015

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Palace in Top15 European (net) spenders

Quite a list of names and amazing considering where we were so recently! Once again shows the riches of the Premier League, compared to European leagues.

For those complaining that we didn't spend an additional 15m on top for Austin, hopefully also helps to put things in perspective...

(sorry can't post link - see BBC Sport)

Match Updates: League cup 22/9

Sunderland doing their confidence the world of good tonight

Quickest 5 goals in history

For no reason was watching Bayern v Wolfsburg on BT.
HT was 0-1.
Lewandowski came in and has scored 5 goals in about 9 minutes.

I hate Bayern but amazing, great goals too

Beano (Sun) article today Zaha v Martial

Read the article in today's Sun comparing Martial v Zaha- although Zaha is far from the finished product seemed a bit of a over the top article to me comparing the two players, I think Pardew will get the best out of Wilf, but he seems to be a confidence player but what do I know.

Happy birthday Slimbloke H

Have a good un mate & hope your well:p.

Damien Delaney Podcast

I know we have an FYP podcast thread already, but I think it's worthy of its own one.

Damien Delaney and Steve Browett were on the FYP podcast this week.

I was surprised by just how honest Damien was, and I think most Palace fans will enjoy listening to it.

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What do we think of this?

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Childs home shirt wanted

I'm taking the little one to her first match and would love to get her a shirt in advance (but haven't got the cash to splash out £35 on a new one). Has anyone got a home shirt for a 7-8 year old that their little one has grown out of that they would be happy to sell? Please do PM if so - thanks in advance:lux::p

VW emissions tests

As someone who knows very little about cars what are the ins and outs of the effect on the cars involved and could it effect VWs sold in the UK or Other makes .
From what I have read it seems unbelievable a multinational would be so dumb and arrogant to think that it wouldn't be discovered .
I did have a particulate filter fitted on a Nissan X-trail and it run like a dog and was forever breaking down are the two things connected (excuse the pun )

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Policing Tomorrow

Thanks are due to both the Met Police and Croydon Council's Safety Advisory Group for inviting both myself and supporter representatives from both clubs to a pre match meeting to discuss the policing operation at tomorrows match v CAFC. I made the point at the meeting that it was important that the policing was proportionate and that both sets of fans should be policed according to their actual behaviour and not on reputations and that any media messages should not ramp up tensions unnecessarily. I also stressed that good communication from the police on the evening was vital to gaining cooperation and also that the police should consider that their own policing style plays in the dynamic of the atmosphere on the night. All these points were well received and met with broad agreement.

The police do have powers to disperse supporters within a given area from midday on the 23rd September and these powers will be in place until 1.00am on the 24th. You can read how and when the powers may used here: To view the link you have to Register or Login Fans attending the match with no other intentions than to have a good evening should not be unduly effected by the policing operation.

The plans ahead of the game are to allow fluid movement of all although dependent on circumstances on the night, policing tactics may change. Again, I've stressed that fans should be understanding of that providing they are communicated to effectively and any curtailment of movement is kept to a necessary minimum.

Nobody wants the match marred by disorder of any kind and just as importantly for match goers, nobody wants to experience being treated as public order problem rather than a member of the public who just happens to be attending a football match. Your feedback, whether it's positive or negative, after the game would be gratefully received.

Amanda Jacks

Suggestion: Zaha out on loan?

Zaha has lost form and is not up to the standard we require. He should be moved out on loan. His performances have been steadily getting worse.

Happy birthday apple_rain!

Happy birthday dear, hope you have a lovely, lovely day! xx

Free school meals? Not for you

So the loveable Chancellor wants to backtrack on an manifesto promise and scrap free school meals for infants.

I realise some people might not be so keen on a hog roast anymore but surely this is a good thing that kids have a good meal at lunchtime? Better behaviour, better co concentration in class?

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Ambrose - Goal of the decade

Congrats to Dazza taking 72% of the vote for his thunderbolt at old Trafford.
There is a great interview with him and Chris Grierson on eagles player and just shows the affinity he still holds for the club.
Ambrose is an eagle, Ambrose is an eagle la la la la :lux::lux:

Goal of the Decade

Darren Ambrose's long range stunner at Old Trafford has been voted Palace's Goal of the Decade with 72% of the votes.

Interview with him on To view the link you have to Register or Login

Costa charged and not for poor coffee

lundi 21 septembre 2015

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After what we saw at the Bridge Delaney shows the rest how to play Costa. Take a bow Damo :p

Crystal Ball: Watford (Away)

I'm flying to South Africa before Kick Off for this so starting the thread a little early.

Watford 1 - 2 Palace

Deeney - Wickham, Sako

Att: 21005

Sex with pigs

Where do the panel sit on this pressing topic?

Disgusting behaviour or bants?

Suggested Team and Formation For: Watford (away)

I think we need to go back to the style that won us so many away games last season:




Let's sit back and see if we can protect the back 4 and spring a few counters. Bolasie et al have shown they don't have the ability to produce in a possession based team. We need to go back to what we are best at, and counter attack away from home. The possession-based experiment can be extended when we play West Brom who will sit 10 players behind the ball at all times. But against Watford they will have a go. Let's not get caught out again like we were at White Hart Lane.

Crystal Ball: Charlton in the Cup

dimanche 20 septembre 2015

Not the usual please. Because this is a cup game, the special "must get a result" rules apply.
1. Correct score 3 points as per usual.
2. Correct result 1 point as per usual
3. In the event of a win to either side, nominate if it will be in normal or extra time. If you are right, you get 1 bonus point.
4. In the event that the match is drawn, nominate who will win the penalty shoot-out for a bonus point.

5. Nominate scorers as per usual.
6. Nominate attendance as per usual.
Please note that a penalty shootout means the game is drawn. There's always some mental cripple who asks why, if Palace won, he's not getting any points when he said we would advance via penalties. And I have to write back, "It's because you picked a draw, you moron."

Score, when it's decided, scorers, attendance please.

First Club Badge

I'm currently doing some research into the early club badges. The official website states that the first club badge materialised in the 40s, but can only find evidences of the first use of a club crest on the covers of 1954/55 programmes - a season before being introduced onto the shirts.

I did randomly spot a menu on eBay for an end of season dinner from 1952, pre-dating the programme covers by two years, but not too sure how official it really is?

Any help would be great?

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Jordon Mutch

Seriously. What is the point in this bloke? What does he do to make Pardew keep giving him a squad place. One of the worst players I've ever seen in a Palace shirt.

Is there a worse ground to get away from than Spurs ?

Today's engineering works made the journey back worse than ever but White Hart Lane is always a pain to get away from after any game.

How anyone can say that Selhurst Park is a nightmare to get to / from is beyond me.

Even on a good day at Spurs you have to wait in a queue for about an hour to get a train.

Wembley is a pain too but can anyone nominate a worse league ground to get away from after a game ? God knows what it will be like when they finish building their shiny new 60,000 seater stadium..........2 hours for a train I guess ?

Some perspective

First 6games Norwich, Arsenal, Villa, Chelsea, City, Spurs.

Norwich and Villa were must wins, and we got them.
Great unexpected win at chelsea, very close to getting something from City, and one poor game today.

Did anyone really expect any more than 9points from those 6games?

Good points return imo, good base to work on for the rest of the season, and with some very winnable games up next these 9points wont be looking bad at all.

People talking about relegation after this game are simply idiots, we had two games against mid table/lower table teams, and we won!

City, Chelsea, Arsenal, Spurs were an oppurtunity for bonus points, and we got 3, unlucky not to get 4.

Some perspective please...

Are we being underworked in training?

Well are we?

Suggested Team and Formation For: Charlton

Need to get some momentum back with some big, winnable games coming up.
Do not want to experience one of Pardews' losing streaks. Must win game for me.


We should have brought in X and sold Y!!!!!

Well we should have!!!

Will we get relegated?

Will we?

Player Ratings And Reviews: Spurs (away)

Mccarthy 5 At fault for goal, poor kicks and also pushed one almost into path of Kane. Under threat?

Souare 6 Quiet by his season's standards.
Delaney 6 Solid
Hangeland 6 Ok, although couldn't block Son's goal
Kelly 6 fine

Mccarthur 6 below par
Cabaye 7 MOM classy but faded

Sako 5.5 ineffective, other than 1 great right footed shot - better on right wing imho
Puncheon 5 did nothing
Zaha 4 unfit?

Bolasie 6 a threat. needs game time on the wing. Not a striker


Campbell 3 He's not even bottom 3 Premiership standard. Way out of his depth
Mutch 6 did ok; crosses were decent if slightly overhit but good technique and desire
Bamford 6 n/a but bright

Wow, we really missed Wickham. No target man away from home is a disaster. Deserved to lose. What's wrong with Wilf? Where's Dann? We lost the midfield. Not sure what more we could have done.

Selling Muzza beginning to look pretty bloody stupid. Even off form he was better than anything we currently have. There was no focal point to the attack today and no way to retain the ball in their half. If Campbell and Bamford are being thrown on that only underlines what a piss poor decision it was.

Oh and the atmosphere was shit today. Upper stand was like sitting in the main stand. When the HF boys don't turn up in numbers its just not organised enough.

Rant over.

Are we being overworked in training?!

I haven't posted on these boards for a while, but ... I can't believe how unfit we are?!

This is the start of the season and I've never seen a more sluggish performance. You would have thought we were the team that played Thursday night!

Spurs beat us on a counter attack and our whole team today, with the exception of Cabaye, looked woeful.

Cabaye looks tired after every match, McArthur who never gets subbed, got taken off, presumably because of fitness.

Are we injured or worn out in training before a match day? I just don't understand why we looked shattered from the off today.

And why so many injuries?!


all injured in training and Ledley from training with Wales.

I think that's already more injuries than we had the whole of last season.

Unlucky coincidence, or does something need to be addressed?

Thoughts on 2015/2016

I thought I would Pen some thoughts before the Spurs game having watched pretty much everything available this year due to having the time and a burst of enthusiasm for the league.

Despite the euphoria and new one media fans I just think this is going to be another tough season and it will actually be tough to sustain last year's league position. Hopefully this growing feel of doubt will be enough to see us trounce Spurs but I doubt it.

There is no doubt that we have exciting wingers and the back 6 look solid but I just think the level of the competition has risen significantly and there are a lot of good players/teams around now. I also think with a couple of injuries to keep players we could easily look ordinary. Defence and midfield are risks in terms of numbers at the back and quality in the middle. I would like to articulate this more clearly but just wanted post the thought now rather than after today's result. The season pivots on injuries and recovery more than ever. If Chamakh stays fit I would be optimistic but I doubt that. If Cabaye and or McArthur get long term injury I think we are vulnerable. Even more so if Delaney or Dann get a bad knock we are very short. Right off to see the lineup for today

Can anybody provide a convincing argument to retain Trident?

As this is going to be debated within the Labour Party and the shadow cabinet over the next few weeks, I would like to open up the discussion on the BBS. It is going to be a key issue for the electorate, and of course for Labour.

The kind of things we perhaps could discuss:

1. Is it good value?
2. Are there other alternatives (in hardware terms)?
3. Evidence or otherwise for the reality of its deterrent value.
4. The moral case or otherwise for its actual use
5. If you had your finger on the button could you personally press it?

16 years on BBS

Some people will have been posting here on the BBS for the best part of 20 years. That's an incredible amount of time when you think about it. Many others have been here for ten years plus. Some were teenagers or younger when they began and are probably now in their later 20s to early to mid-30s. Others (like me at 37) were relatively young and are now middle-aged or more.

I was thinking how my own life had changed since I began posting in 2000. I wondered how the lives of other long-term posters have changed since they first became members and have they also changed as people, too?

RIP Jackie Collins

Never read any of her stuff but anyone dying of cancer deserves sympathy

Happy birthday Matov

Many happy returns to a dear friend of mine.
Love from Sarah too x

Live Com and Updates: Tottenham Hotspur V Crystal Palace 1.30pm live on Sky Sports

samedi 19 septembre 2015

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Wickham v Murray

Yes I know he's gone and I'm over it ( its not like when Wrighty left )

But the question is Wickham v Muzza , who will score the most this season

fwiw my money's on Murray

maybe someone could add a poll

Is your tortoise a boring twat?

Throw a ball. Nothing. If it's half interested it takes three hours for the bastard to fetch it and another three hours to bring it back. Cheap to feed mind because it eats even less than Cheryl Cole does.

Is your budgie a wanker?

Cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep, feed me some seeds, cheep cheep put some more newspaper down cheep cheep.

Not that I've got one but those who have tell me why they ain't pointless wankers?

Crewe u18 2 CPFC u18 2

Palace u18's got a thoroughly deserved draw against a very very good Crewe u18 side.

Not the best start when Crewe scored early after a corner wasn't cleared and was smashed in from close range. Palace got straight back in the game after about 10 mins when Crewe failed to clear and the ball was bundled over the line by Lumeka.

After that Crewe dominated possession and played some fantastic one touch stuff and scored a deserved second after a neat passing move slid the striker in.

Palace did threaten but Crewe still had chances and a couple of good saves from Ollie Pain kept it the same until half time.

Second half was completely different, Palace dominated. Sam Woods couldn't get a proper connection and the keeper saved, Dan Hogan hit a shot that deflected up and just over the bar and stranded keeper. Palace did equalise when Dan Hogan and Ollie Bennett regained possession and Victor Fundi ran through, held off two defenders and finished really well from the edge of the box.

Palace could and should have won in the last few mins when Lumeka was put through by Coker but although he lifted the ball over the keeper it ran just wide of the post.

All in terrific advert for u18 football played on a fantastic pitch.

Pain, Hosanah (Akioto 45), Jones, Woods, Hogan (c), Dreher (Bennett 15), Coker, Lumeka, Andrews, Fundi.

Can someone teach me to enjoy rugby?

Seeing as its the rugby world cup, i'd like to take an interest, mainly so I dont feel left out, but the problem is i've never found it particularly interesting, it just looks like a load of big men jumping on top of each other which throwing an egg shaped ball sidewards, clearly there is something i'm missing because everyone seems to have gone mad for it. So , help me enjoy this strange sport, please

Happy Birthday Elgin Eagle

Happy birthday comrade.

Power to the Eagles.

Have a great one mate.

Congratulations Kiralyspyjamas

BUT your timing sucks:D

We should both be at Lords today watching Surrey in the final, not at your wedding:D

Seriously good luck to you Adam and Christina on your wedding day.:lux::lux::lux:

Match Updates: EPL September 19th/20th

Video replays

Whilst I think video replays should be used in football, I really hope if they come in it does not get used like they are in rugby now last night the game for me was ruined by it yes they got the correct decisions but pulling the game back for offences committed in midfield where that offence did not influence the out come of the game disrupted the flow.

In both sports the video red should be used for key decisions only.

Watching the game in Sydney

vendredi 18 septembre 2015

Im on business in Sydney... are there any recommendations for Palace pubs down under so i can join some fellow eagles!?

Rugby world cup

Is rugby union the most boring of sports. Persuaded to go to a football bar tonight to watch it we tried to be enthusiastic but as someone shouted out free kick after a tackle it was apparent that this is not a universal sport. Bafflement the ensued . A half time boreathon with inverdale and no one noticed the second half had started. The noise volume increases as no one was watching. A brief flurry of excitement at the end but this is a massively overhyped event. As for the crowd it is the Tory party at play. How can it be called a World Cup when so many countries are absent

Match Updates: Ipswich v Birmingham

You have to see this pre match punditry with two ex Palace managers


Bio-banding (removing age bias at youth level)

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"The Premier League is leading the development of a system to help clubs at academy level look beyond physical dominance when identifying and developing talent."

Essentially instead of having kids of the same age play against each other, they play against kids of similar physical ages.

The PL believe this is helping youth players given the trials they've done.

Haven't read widely about it but on the face of it this appears to be a good move.

Official: Kettings joins Bromley on Loan

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Press Conference Live: Pre Spurs press Conference- live 1pm

Just a heads up as alot including myself always miss it

Press conference live at 1pm today Friday 18th

Live video on To view the link you have to Register or Login

If the above feed goes down I personally find the live twitter updates good

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Transfer fees could go if Fifpro wins legal action against Fifa

The global footballers trade union (Fifpro) has launched legal action through the European Commission to end the transfer system...To view the link you have to Register or Login

The union that represents footballers around the world will on Friday launch a landmark legal action against Fifa in the hope of outlawing the transfer system and fundamentally changing the professional game.

Having run out of patience with Fifa and Uefa following long-running negotiations over reforms to the transfer system to protect players better, Fifpro’s lawyers will electronically file a complaint in Brussels with the European Commission.

Fifpro wants to abolish transfer fees and make it easier for players to move between clubs while respecting contracts. It believes its members have less freedom of movement than other workers when a club is able to demand a fee for a footballer under contract.

Its lawyers also plan to argue that the existing system is anti-competitive because it places disproportionate power in the hands of elite clubs who can afford to pay large transfer fees

Other Fifpro objectives include an end to the loan system, restrictions on squad sizes and the capping of payments to agents.

It will also point to new research from the economist Stefan Szymanski that shows that the argument that there is a “trickle down” effect from the transfer system from the biggest to the smallest clubs no longer holds water.

Szymanski’s 20-page analysis concludes: “As it currently operates, the transfer system sustains the dominance of the elite clubs by ensuring that they are the only ones with the financial muscle to afford the transfer fees payable for the very best players. Thus, as it currently operates, the transfers system is not only unfair to players, it also promotes the opposite of what was intended.”

Holiday for October half term

Any recommendations for somewhere to go with kids for October half term, that's not going to cost the Earth?

Flights alone to Portugal or the Canaries are around £2000!!

Pubs showing the game Sunday in Addington

As the title says, are there any pubs in or around New Addington that are showing the game Sunday?

Lidl to pay 9,000 staff the full living wage

jeudi 17 septembre 2015

"Lidl has said it will pay 9,000 of its UK workers at least the full living wage from next month as the first major high street name to embrace the higher pay campaign.

The German-owned supermarket chain said the move represented an average pay rise of £1,200 per year for thousands of staff, with all UK employees receiving at least £8.20 an hour in England, Scotland and Wales and at least £9.35 in London. It currently pays £7.30 an hour outside London and £8.03 in London."

Well done Lidl. Germans get some things right. Hope the major UK companies follow suit.

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Is Your Cat a Git?

My next door neighbour is a sweet old lady in her 80s. She lives alone. Tonight she made herself a bowl of tuna and mayo for tea. Her daughter phoned and she left it for no more than five minutes. Our cat Norman snuck in the back door and ate the bloody lot.

I have told her if it happens again to jab him with a pointy stick.

I sno one doing a running points total this year

Last 2 seasons ,someone (sorry I cant remember your name ) has done a running points and giving us a guide to how many points we need for safety and where we were this time last year .

I fun this interesting and a bit of fun

Shame no one is doing it this year

Rumour: Frazier Campbell to go out on loan

And hopefully take his £35,000 a week wages with him

Besides the people who say 'he can do a job' I think most people hope he will either go to Wolves or Hull. This has come up tenuously in a couple of other threads but no one can be arsed to start a thread about it. What is it about the one cap England international that no one seems to care what is happening with him?

Wages the barrier, but you can see why he was cheap when commanding that kind of weekly bung. Hopefully Hull, where he was a success in their promotion, will invest and buy back their prodigal son.

:S::S::S: :sob::sob:

Match Updates: Ajax v Celtic and other Europa League matches


Terry Byfield - 31 Years at the Club

Terry Byfield is "celebrating" 31 years at the club today. Joined back in 1984 as a receptionist.

Missed out on the Mullery years - plastic.

Quite an exceptional effort really considering that this time has included its fair amount of financial hardship.

Hands up if you wasn't born when he started?

More about Byfield (including perhaps the worst video the club has ever put out) and September 17th as a whole in the link below.

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Palace fans visiting Filbert Street.

Just an iv'e said in the Old Grounds thread [picture of book cover] we at Leicester have a new book out after Christmas full of memories from Filbert Street and the authors are having a secret rendervous in the next 10 days with a few lads that are contributing to the finishing touches.....iv'e wrote a few pages and just wondered if any Palace would like to contribute a few lines on what it was like first time or any time entering Filbert Street .....stories can be about the ground,either set of fans or'll give an additional side to our stories and you'll be the only Away Supporters in the book if accepted......:p

Warner Brothers at Selhurst

Anyone know what's going on Selhurst today, apparently lots of Warner Brother trucks about?

So I need a new dining table

Is this a really BAD idea?

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Double Glazing Question

Looking for advice on getting new windows fitted.

I am planning to have all my windows windows replaced in my flat. It is the top floor of an Edwardian building which is on a busy main road. There are five existing wooden sash windows which I would like replaced with similar looking windows which are double glazed. The intention is to cut down noise and draughts and I am hoping to improve the insulation.

I have received a quote from company who have been highly recommended to me by a colleague who had a very similar property. They also have very good reviews on checkatrade and trustedtraders. The quote seems reasonable and while I would normally get a selection of quotes I am perfectly happy with this one and can't be bothered with the hassle of pushy salesmen, so I am considering going ahead with them.

Trouble is I have no idea about this kind of thing. As mentioned I am perfectly happy with the standards of their work but what sort of questions should I be asking about the quality/standards of the materials?

They have quoted me for five large Georgian style double glazed UPVC sash windows (which apparently look like wood, though I will be going into their showroom to check I am happy with how this looks).

Here are a few specification details from their quote, most of which is mumbo jumbo to me ...

A rated argon gas filled units


  • Steel reinforced to manufacture specification where required
  • External UPVC sills
  • 70mm profile system
  • Multi chambered PVC with welded joints
Frame Glass:
  • Insulated primary sealed units 28mm double glazed
  • 28mm double glazed sealed units (4mm:20mm:4mm) 36mm 44mm
  • 20mm gap filled with Argon gas and Swiss V Warm edge spacer
  • Highly efficient toughened safety glass whre required
  • A rated sealed glass units
  • Clear/obscured glass where required
Locking System
  • Blah
  • Blah
  • Blah
What other questions should I be asking when I go in to see them?

Strong Chile earthquake sets off small tsunami waves

mercredi 16 septembre 2015

"A powerful earthquake has hit central Chile, causing buildings to sway in the capital Santiago, officials say.
The 8.3-magnitude tremor was centred off the coast, about 144 miles (232km) north-west of the capital."

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Loan: Kaikai to Shrewsbury loan

Just bumped into him at a local hotel and that's what he said

A cure for tinnitus

When I was younger and even more stupid than I am now, I listened to music a lot and always had it loud. I also went to a fair few loud gigs without earplugs. This resulted in quite mild tinnitus, not enough to get annoying or distracting but quietly there anyway. I just tried this tip I saw on reddit after and **** me, it worked perfectly. Absolute silence apart from my PC, no ringing at all. Give it a try, it's weird how well it works

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Request for Excel/VBA Programmers

So, let's say I have 2 rows of data with 10 columns. (or 10 rows and 2 columns, whichever is easier) What I want to do is list all combinations of groups of 5 selected from different columns. So, if my data looked like this (with one combination included in red):


A1        A2        A3        A4        A5        A6        A7        A8        A9        A10
B1        B2        B3        B4        B5        B6        B7        B8        B9        B10

never have an Ax and Bx in the same combination. Is there a macro that can output all those combinations in a 5 column arrangement?

No football on TV?

No champions league on Terestial TV anymore... And no Premier League games have been shown in over 20 years. Doesnt seem right to me..

Humble Request

When you lot received the pleasure of visiting our Premier League Ready stadium for this first time those few years ago, a walrus faced gent of portly stature rudely took a photo of my handsome and stylish self.

Momentarily perturbed, I was forced to suspect it was because I was wearing a flat-cap and a pair of chinos at the time.

Did I look stylish? Yes
Did I look handsome? Almost certainly.
A real ladykiller, a polymath, a young legend-in-the-making? Again, we must admit: Yes.

But did I look like A REAL FOOTBALL FAN?

Aye, there's the rub. Perhaps I did not, from the certain sweaty viewpoint of a certain rude gentleman to whom I had not granted my image rights.

So I was just wondering - is it knocking about? The picture I mean?

Surely you must have had a thread of 'funny pictures of f**king Brighton twats' at some point, or something? Perhaps a tradition, even. I'd be disappointed if you haven't, not to mention deeply disturbed because that would mean he probably took it home to treat to some perverted and private indignity.

So please - post your pictures of Brighton fans (fans/twats, yes yes) and I'll let you know which one is me.

Don't bother with that one of a guy in a blue sparkly dress I can confirm that is not me, despite my occasional weekend experiments.

Many thanks, sincerely yours,


The 'Here They Are Now' thread.

Turned out to be a lawyer and not Japanese

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Match Ticket Information West Brom Tickets On Sale, Saturday 3rd October 12.45 Live on BT Sport

Tickets for Crystal Palace's game against West Bromwich Albion at Selhurst Park on 3rd October are still available for season ticket holders and members.

The game will see Tony Pulis once again return to SE25, having won his previous visit here as Baggies boss last April, and this encounter will kick off at 12.45pm.

The match is a category B fixture, with season ticket holders and members being able to purchase up to eight tickets per client ID.

Leicester (A) - Saturday 24th October 2015 3pm!

Hopefully they put out an email as to when these will go on sale, I hope they don't put a petty points system in place.

Assisted Suicide

From time to time this comes up and gets debated, always with the same result but is it for the best.

My mother sadly, has terminal, incurable cancer, and if she wants to end her life when she chooses rather than endure the long drawn out process the disease will ensure she has, why shouldn't she?

I understand there are a number of "sympathetic" doctors in the UK who will write a letter so such people can go to Dignitas but the doctors themselves can face prosecution I understand???

Odd laptop connection problem.

mardi 15 septembre 2015

Have a strange net work connection issue with my daughters lap top.

It is a Samsung. She turns it on and it will not connect to our home internet network. It has all the correct passwords and so on, and other devices are connected to it and working fine.

She has two options. She can them connect to the internet via the Bt.Fon option, which uses our home network anyway, or else she can physically switch our home hub router off, turn it back on and then the lap top connects for 60 minutes, after which is disconnects again.

Any thoughts or suggestions on how to remedy this ?

Until Dawn PS4

Anyone else got this? I've got 2.5 hours left and still have 8 left alive. Really unique and immense game.

Yannick's trick on Sat

I haven't been able to watch any highlights of the game, too painful. Did anywhere show Yannick's trck, where in a split second the ball went from in between his feet to being crossed into the box? It was midway through the first-half from the right.

I'm still not sure exactly what he did....anyone remember it?

Match Updates: Champions League 15/16th Sep

it's all on bloody BT now. Isn't that just lovely for the poorer folk in this country who'd like to watch a bit of football in the evening? Anyway, Man City vs Juve on BT Sport Europe and PSV vs Man Utd on BT Sport 2 (I think). Obviously watching the City game, should be a great match. Hopefully Juve do the moany Manc twats

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Under 21 Reporrt v Barnsley

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Great result but interesting to see Conner practising for the next Brighton game.

Marcus Bent charged with affray and possession of a Class A drug.

Sad news!


Marcus Bent, former Premier League striker, has been charged with affray and possession of a Class A drug

X Factor 2015

Anyone been watching the audition shows? Looking at the sort of people thy are putting through so far, it should be half decent this year, no joke acts.
Also on a side note hearing Steve and Chloe jasmine sing the other night on CBB, I really cant see how they made it past boot camp.

Crystal Ball: Tottenham Hotspurs (A)

Spurs 1 - 2 Palace

Kane - Bolasie & Cabaye

Att: 35899

Croydon 'dull, sad and monotonous' reckons the Frogs.


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