Humble Request

mercredi 16 septembre 2015

When you lot received the pleasure of visiting our Premier League Ready stadium for this first time those few years ago, a walrus faced gent of portly stature rudely took a photo of my handsome and stylish self.

Momentarily perturbed, I was forced to suspect it was because I was wearing a flat-cap and a pair of chinos at the time.

Did I look stylish? Yes
Did I look handsome? Almost certainly.
A real ladykiller, a polymath, a young legend-in-the-making? Again, we must admit: Yes.

But did I look like A REAL FOOTBALL FAN?

Aye, there's the rub. Perhaps I did not, from the certain sweaty viewpoint of a certain rude gentleman to whom I had not granted my image rights.

So I was just wondering - is it knocking about? The picture I mean?

Surely you must have had a thread of 'funny pictures of f**king Brighton twats' at some point, or something? Perhaps a tradition, even. I'd be disappointed if you haven't, not to mention deeply disturbed because that would mean he probably took it home to treat to some perverted and private indignity.

So please - post your pictures of Brighton fans (fans/twats, yes yes) and I'll let you know which one is me.

Don't bother with that one of a guy in a blue sparkly dress I can confirm that is not me, despite my occasional weekend experiments.

Many thanks, sincerely yours,


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