The Estate We're In

mardi 29 septembre 2015

A new feature in this weeks Evening Standard.

Anyone reading it ?

It's grim, no doubt. Generally poorly designed estates facing inwards that house the local poor. Some have been through regeneration and had the old tower blocks replaced by new housing.

What does come across is the people he's staying with are single Mum's with 5, 6, 7 kids either not working, studying or working part time.

Forgive me, but isn't it generally normal to try and live within your means ? If you're a single mother with that many children how can you possibly keep an eye on them ?

Why keep on having kids with various fathers ?

Put that into the tinder box that is estate life and it's no wonder things go wrong and gang culture thrives. No parental control or work ethic.

I was an estate kid, not inner London (New Addington), but my parents took responsibility for me and guided me. I was never allowed to roam the streets at all hours. I knew my boundary's and had enough respect in me that I rarely breached them.

Parenting is the answer. Don't have 7 kids with 5 dads then claim the social. Be an adult, be responsible and show your kids a decent standard of behaviour. This 'poor me' culture sickens me.

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